1#! /usr/bin/env python3
3import os
4import subprocess
5import sys
6import platform
7import argparse
8import inspect
9import re
10from glob import glob
12# See stackoverflow.com/questions/2632199: __file__ nor sys.argv[0]
13# are guaranteed to always work, this one should though.
14BASEPATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getsourcefile(lambda: None)))
16def base_path(*p):
17    return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(BASEPATH, *p)).replace('\\', '/')
19# Tests require at least CPython 3.3. If your default python3 executable
20# is of lower version, you can point MICROPY_CPYTHON3 environment var
21# to the correct executable.
22if os.name == 'nt':
23    CPYTHON3 = os.getenv('MICROPY_CPYTHON3', 'python3.exe')
24    MICROPYTHON = os.getenv('MICROPY_MICROPYTHON', base_path('../ports/windows/micropython.exe'))
26    CPYTHON3 = os.getenv('MICROPY_CPYTHON3', 'python3')
27    MICROPYTHON = os.getenv('MICROPY_MICROPYTHON', base_path('../ports/unix/micropython'))
29# Use CPython options to not save .pyc files, to only access the core standard library
30# (not site packages which may clash with u-module names), and improve start up time.
33# mpy-cross is only needed if --via-mpy command-line arg is passed
34MPYCROSS = os.getenv('MICROPY_MPYCROSS', base_path('../mpy-cross/mpy-cross'))
36# For diff'ing test output
37DIFF = os.getenv('MICROPY_DIFF', 'diff -u')
39# Set PYTHONIOENCODING so that CPython will use utf-8 on systems which set another encoding in the locale
40os.environ['PYTHONIOENCODING'] = 'utf-8'
42def rm_f(fname):
43    if os.path.exists(fname):
44        os.remove(fname)
47# unescape wanted regex chars and escape unwanted ones
48def convert_regex_escapes(line):
49    cs = []
50    escape = False
51    for c in str(line, 'utf8'):
52        if escape:
53            escape = False
54            cs.append(c)
55        elif c == '\\':
56            escape = True
57        elif c in ('(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '.', '*', '+', '^', '$'):
58            cs.append('\\' + c)
59        else:
60            cs.append(c)
61    # accept carriage-return(s) before final newline
62    if cs[-1] == '\n':
63        cs[-1] = '\r*\n'
64    return bytes(''.join(cs), 'utf8')
67def run_micropython(pyb, args, test_file, is_special=False):
68    special_tests = (
69        'micropython/meminfo.py', 'basics/bytes_compare3.py',
70        'basics/builtin_help.py', 'thread/thread_exc2.py',
71        'esp32/partition_ota.py',
72    )
73    had_crash = False
74    if pyb is None:
75        # run on PC
76        if test_file.startswith(('cmdline/', base_path('feature_check/'))) or test_file in special_tests:
77            # special handling for tests of the unix cmdline program
78            is_special = True
80        if is_special:
81            # check for any cmdline options needed for this test
82            args = [MICROPYTHON]
83            with open(test_file, 'rb') as f:
84                line = f.readline()
85                if line.startswith(b'# cmdline:'):
86                    # subprocess.check_output on Windows only accepts strings, not bytes
87                    args += [str(c, 'utf-8') for c in line[10:].strip().split()]
89            # run the test, possibly with redirected input
90            try:
91                if 'repl_' in test_file:
92                    # Need to use a PTY to test command line editing
93                    try:
94                        import pty
95                    except ImportError:
96                        # in case pty module is not available, like on Windows
97                        return b'SKIP\n'
98                    import select
100                    def get(required=False):
101                        rv = b''
102                        while True:
103                            ready = select.select([master], [], [], 0.02)
104                            if ready[0] == [master]:
105                                rv += os.read(master, 1024)
106                            else:
107                                if not required or rv:
108                                    return rv
110                    def send_get(what):
111                        os.write(master, what)
112                        return get()
114                    with open(test_file, 'rb') as f:
115                        # instead of: output_mupy = subprocess.check_output(args, stdin=f)
116                        master, slave = pty.openpty()
117                        p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=slave, stdout=slave,
118                                             stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=0)
119                        banner = get(True)
120                        output_mupy = banner + b''.join(send_get(line) for line in f)
121                        send_get(b'\x04') # exit the REPL, so coverage info is saved
122                        # At this point the process might have exited already, but trying to
123                        # kill it 'again' normally doesn't result in exceptions as Python and/or
124                        # the OS seem to try to handle this nicely. When running Linux on WSL
125                        # though, the situation differs and calling Popen.kill after the process
126                        # terminated results in a ProcessLookupError. Just catch that one here
127                        # since we just want the process to be gone and that's the case.
128                        try:
129                            p.kill()
130                        except ProcessLookupError:
131                            pass
132                        os.close(master)
133                        os.close(slave)
134                else:
135                    output_mupy = subprocess.check_output(args + [test_file], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
136            except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
137                return b'CRASH'
139        else:
140            # a standard test run on PC
142            # create system command
143            cmdlist = [MICROPYTHON, '-X', 'emit=' + args.emit]
144            if args.heapsize is not None:
145                cmdlist.extend(['-X', 'heapsize=' + args.heapsize])
147            # if running via .mpy, first compile the .py file
148            if args.via_mpy:
149                subprocess.check_output([MPYCROSS] + args.mpy_cross_flags.split() + ['-o', 'mpytest.mpy', '-X', 'emit=' + args.emit, test_file])
150                cmdlist.extend(['-m', 'mpytest'])
151            else:
152                cmdlist.append(test_file)
154            # run the actual test
155            try:
156                output_mupy = subprocess.check_output(cmdlist, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
157            except subprocess.CalledProcessError as er:
158                had_crash = True
159                output_mupy = er.output + b'CRASH'
161            # clean up if we had an intermediate .mpy file
162            if args.via_mpy:
163                rm_f('mpytest.mpy')
165    else:
166        # run on pyboard
167        if (args.target == 'haas100'):
168            pyb.enter_raw_repl()
169            try:
170                output_mupy = pyb.execfile(test_file)
171            except haasboard.HaaSboardError as e:
172                had_crash = True
173                if not is_special and e.args[0] == 'exception':
174                    output_mupy = e.args[1] + e.args[2] + b'CRASH'
175                else:
176                    output_mupy = b'CRASH'
177        else:
178            pyb.enter_raw_repl()
179            try:
180                output_mupy = pyb.execfile(test_file)
181            except pyboard.PyboardError as e:
182                had_crash = True
183                if not is_special and e.args[0] == 'exception':
184                    output_mupy = e.args[1] + e.args[2] + b'CRASH'
185                else:
186                    output_mupy = b'CRASH'
188    # canonical form for all ports/platforms is to use \n for end-of-line
189    output_mupy = output_mupy.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n')
191    # don't try to convert the output if we should skip this test
192    if had_crash or output_mupy in (b'SKIP\n', b'CRASH'):
193        return output_mupy
195    if is_special or test_file in special_tests:
196        # convert parts of the output that are not stable across runs
197        with open(test_file + '.exp', 'rb') as f:
198            lines_exp = []
199            for line in f.readlines():
200                if line == b'########\n':
201                    line = (line,)
202                else:
203                    line = (line, re.compile(convert_regex_escapes(line)))
204                lines_exp.append(line)
205        lines_mupy = [line + b'\n' for line in output_mupy.split(b'\n')]
206        if output_mupy.endswith(b'\n'):
207            lines_mupy = lines_mupy[:-1] # remove erroneous last empty line
208        i_mupy = 0
209        for i in range(len(lines_exp)):
210            if lines_exp[i][0] == b'########\n':
211                # 8x #'s means match 0 or more whole lines
212                line_exp = lines_exp[i + 1]
213                skip = 0
214                while i_mupy + skip < len(lines_mupy) and not line_exp[1].match(lines_mupy[i_mupy + skip]):
215                    skip += 1
216                if i_mupy + skip >= len(lines_mupy):
217                    lines_mupy[i_mupy] = b'######## FAIL\n'
218                    break
219                del lines_mupy[i_mupy:i_mupy + skip]
220                lines_mupy.insert(i_mupy, b'########\n')
221                i_mupy += 1
222            else:
223                # a regex
224                if lines_exp[i][1].match(lines_mupy[i_mupy]):
225                    lines_mupy[i_mupy] = lines_exp[i][0]
226                else:
227                    #print("don't match: %r %s" % (lines_exp[i][1], lines_mupy[i_mupy])) # DEBUG
228                    pass
229                i_mupy += 1
230            if i_mupy >= len(lines_mupy):
231                break
232        output_mupy = b''.join(lines_mupy)
234    return output_mupy
237def run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, test_file):
238    if pyb is not None and test_file.startswith("repl_"):
239        # REPL feature tests will not run via pyboard because they require prompt interactivity
240        return b""
241    return run_micropython(pyb, args, base_path("feature_check", test_file), is_special=True)
244def run_tests(pyb, tests, args, result_dir):
245    test_count = 0
246    testcase_count = 0
247    passed_count = 0
248    failed_tests = []
249    skipped_tests = []
251    skip_tests = set()
252    skip_native = False
253    skip_int_big = False
254    skip_bytearray = False
255    skip_set_type = False
256    skip_slice = False
257    skip_async = False
258    skip_const = False
259    skip_revops = False
260    skip_io_module = False
261    skip_endian = False
262    has_complex = True
263    has_coverage = False
265    upy_float_precision = 32
267    # If we're asked to --list-tests, we can't assume that there's a
268    # connection to target, so we can't run feature checks usefully.
269    if not (args.list_tests or args.write_exp):
270        # Even if we run completely different tests in a different directory,
271        # we need to access feature_checks from the same directory as the
272        # run-tests script itself so use base_path.
274        # Check if micropython.native is supported, and skip such tests if it's not
275        output = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, 'native_check.py')
276        if output == b'CRASH':
277            skip_native = True
279        # Check if arbitrary-precision integers are supported, and skip such tests if it's not
280        output = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, 'int_big.py')
281        if output != b'1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n':
282            skip_int_big = True
284        # Check if bytearray is supported, and skip such tests if it's not
285        output = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, 'bytearray.py')
286        if output != b'bytearray\n':
287            skip_bytearray = True
289        # Check if set type (and set literals) is supported, and skip such tests if it's not
290        output = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, 'set_check.py')
291        if output == b'CRASH':
292            skip_set_type = True
294        # Check if slice is supported, and skip such tests if it's not
295        output = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, 'slice.py')
296        if output != b'slice\n':
297            skip_slice = True
299        # Check if async/await keywords are supported, and skip such tests if it's not
300        output = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, 'async_check.py')
301        if output == b'CRASH':
302            skip_async = True
304        # Check if const keyword (MicroPython extension) is supported, and skip such tests if it's not
305        output = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, 'const.py')
306        if output == b'CRASH':
307            skip_const = True
309        # Check if __rOP__ special methods are supported, and skip such tests if it's not
310        output = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, 'reverse_ops.py')
311        if output == b'TypeError\n':
312            skip_revops = True
314        # Check if uio module exists, and skip such tests if it doesn't
315        output = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, 'uio_module.py')
316        if output != b'uio\n':
317            skip_io_module = True
319        # Check if emacs repl is supported, and skip such tests if it's not
320        t = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, 'repl_emacs_check.py')
321        if 'True' not in str(t, 'ascii'):
322            skip_tests.add('cmdline/repl_emacs_keys.py')
324        # Check if words movement in repl is supported, and skip such tests if it's not
325        t = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, 'repl_words_move_check.py')
326        if 'True' not in str(t, 'ascii'):
327            skip_tests.add('cmdline/repl_words_move.py')
329        upy_byteorder = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, 'byteorder.py')
330        upy_float_precision = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, 'float.py')
331        if upy_float_precision == b'CRASH':
332            upy_float_precision = 0
333        else:
334            upy_float_precision = int(upy_float_precision)
335        has_complex = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, 'complex.py') == b'complex\n'
336        has_coverage = run_feature_check(pyb, args, base_path, 'coverage.py') == b'coverage\n'
337        cpy_byteorder = subprocess.check_output(CPYTHON3_CMD + [base_path('feature_check/byteorder.py')])
338        skip_endian = (upy_byteorder != cpy_byteorder)
340    # These tests don't test slice explicitly but rather use it to perform the test
341    misc_slice_tests = (
342        'builtin_range',
343        'class_super',
344        'containment',
345        'errno1',
346        'fun_str',
347        'generator1',
348        'globals_del',
349        'memoryview1',
350        'memoryview_gc',
351        'object1',
352        'python34',
353        'struct_endian',
354    )
356    # Some tests shouldn't be run on GitHub Actions
357    if os.getenv('GITHUB_ACTIONS') == 'true':
358        skip_tests.add('thread/stress_schedule.py') # has reliability issues
360    if upy_float_precision == 0:
361        skip_tests.add('extmod/uctypes_le_float.py')
362        skip_tests.add('extmod/uctypes_native_float.py')
363        skip_tests.add('extmod/uctypes_sizeof_float.py')
364        skip_tests.add('extmod/ujson_dumps_float.py')
365        skip_tests.add('extmod/ujson_loads_float.py')
366        skip_tests.add('extmod/urandom_extra_float.py')
367        skip_tests.add('misc/rge_sm.py')
368    if upy_float_precision < 32:
369        skip_tests.add('float/float2int_intbig.py') # requires fp32, there's float2int_fp30_intbig.py instead
370        skip_tests.add('float/string_format.py') # requires fp32, there's string_format_fp30.py instead
371        skip_tests.add('float/bytes_construct.py') # requires fp32
372        skip_tests.add('float/bytearray_construct.py') # requires fp32
373    if upy_float_precision < 64:
374        skip_tests.add('float/float_divmod.py') # tested by float/float_divmod_relaxed.py instead
375        skip_tests.add('float/float2int_doubleprec_intbig.py')
376        skip_tests.add('float/float_parse_doubleprec.py')
378    if not has_complex:
379        skip_tests.add('float/complex1.py')
380        skip_tests.add('float/complex1_intbig.py')
381        skip_tests.add('float/complex_special_methods.py')
382        skip_tests.add('float/int_big_float.py')
383        skip_tests.add('float/true_value.py')
384        skip_tests.add('float/types.py')
386    if not has_coverage:
387        skip_tests.add('cmdline/cmd_parsetree.py')
389    # Some tests shouldn't be run on a PC
390    if args.target == 'unix':
391        # unix build does not have the GIL so can't run thread mutation tests
392        for t in tests:
393            if t.startswith('thread/mutate_'):
394                skip_tests.add(t)
396    # Some tests shouldn't be run on pyboard
397    if args.target != 'unix':
398        skip_tests.add('basics/exception_chain.py') # warning is not printed
399        skip_tests.add('micropython/meminfo.py') # output is very different to PC output
400        skip_tests.add('extmod/machine_mem.py') # raw memory access not supported
402        if args.target == 'wipy':
403            skip_tests.add('misc/print_exception.py')       # requires error reporting full
404            skip_tests.update({'extmod/uctypes_%s.py' % t for t in 'bytearray le native_le ptr_le ptr_native_le sizeof sizeof_native array_assign_le array_assign_native_le'.split()}) # requires uctypes
405            skip_tests.add('extmod/zlibd_decompress.py')    # requires zlib
406            skip_tests.add('extmod/uheapq1.py')             # uheapq not supported by WiPy
407            skip_tests.add('extmod/urandom_basic.py')       # requires urandom
408            skip_tests.add('extmod/urandom_extra.py')       # requires urandom
409        elif args.target == 'esp8266':
410            skip_tests.add('misc/rge_sm.py')                # too large
411        elif args.target == 'minimal':
412            skip_tests.add('basics/class_inplace_op.py')    # all special methods not supported
413            skip_tests.add('basics/subclass_native_init.py')# native subclassing corner cases not support
414            skip_tests.add('misc/rge_sm.py')                # too large
415            skip_tests.add('micropython/opt_level.py')      # don't assume line numbers are stored
416        elif args.target == 'nrf':
417            skip_tests.add('basics/memoryview1.py')         # no item assignment for memoryview
418            skip_tests.add('extmod/urandom_basic.py')       # unimplemented: urandom.seed
419            skip_tests.add('micropython/opt_level.py')      # no support for line numbers
420            skip_tests.add('misc/non_compliant.py')         # no item assignment for bytearray
421            for t in tests:
422                if t.startswith('basics/io_'):
423                    skip_tests.add(t)
424        elif args.target == 'qemu-arm':
425            skip_tests.add('misc/print_exception.py')       # requires sys stdfiles
427    # Some tests are known to fail on 64-bit machines
428    if pyb is None and platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit':
429        pass
431    # Some tests use unsupported features on Windows
432    if os.name == 'nt':
433        skip_tests.add('import/import_file.py') # works but CPython prints forward slashes
435    # Some tests are known to fail with native emitter
436    # Remove them from the below when they work
437    if args.emit == 'native':
438        skip_tests.update({'basics/%s.py' % t for t in 'gen_yield_from_close generator_name'.split()}) # require raise_varargs, generator name
439        skip_tests.update({'basics/async_%s.py' % t for t in 'with with2 with_break with_return'.split()}) # require async_with
440        skip_tests.update({'basics/%s.py' % t for t in 'try_reraise try_reraise2'.split()}) # require raise_varargs
441        skip_tests.add('basics/annotate_var.py') # requires checking for unbound local
442        skip_tests.add('basics/del_deref.py') # requires checking for unbound local
443        skip_tests.add('basics/del_local.py') # requires checking for unbound local
444        skip_tests.add('basics/exception_chain.py') # raise from is not supported
445        skip_tests.add('basics/scope_implicit.py') # requires checking for unbound local
446        skip_tests.add('basics/try_finally_return2.py') # requires raise_varargs
447        skip_tests.add('basics/unboundlocal.py') # requires checking for unbound local
448        skip_tests.add('extmod/uasyncio_event.py') # unknown issue
449        skip_tests.add('extmod/uasyncio_lock.py') # requires async with
450        skip_tests.add('extmod/uasyncio_micropython.py') # unknown issue
451        skip_tests.add('extmod/uasyncio_wait_for.py') # unknown issue
452        skip_tests.add('misc/features.py') # requires raise_varargs
453        skip_tests.add('misc/print_exception.py') # because native doesn't have proper traceback info
454        skip_tests.add('misc/sys_exc_info.py') # sys.exc_info() is not supported for native
455        skip_tests.add('micropython/emg_exc.py') # because native doesn't have proper traceback info
456        skip_tests.add('micropython/heapalloc_traceback.py') # because native doesn't have proper traceback info
457        skip_tests.add('micropython/opt_level_lineno.py') # native doesn't have proper traceback info
458        skip_tests.add('micropython/schedule.py') # native code doesn't check pending events
460    for test_file in tests:
461        test_file = test_file.replace('\\', '/')
463        if args.filters:
464            # Default verdict is the opposit of the first action
465            verdict = "include" if args.filters[0][0] == "exclude" else "exclude"
466            for action, pat in args.filters:
467                if pat.search(test_file):
468                    verdict = action
469            if verdict == "exclude":
470                continue
472        test_basename = test_file.replace('..', '_').replace('./', '').replace('/', '_')
473        test_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(test_file))[0]
474        is_native = test_name.startswith("native_") or test_name.startswith("viper_") or args.emit == "native"
475        is_endian = test_name.endswith("_endian")
476        is_int_big = test_name.startswith("int_big") or test_name.endswith("_intbig")
477        is_bytearray = test_name.startswith("bytearray") or test_name.endswith("_bytearray")
478        is_set_type = test_name.startswith("set_") or test_name.startswith("frozenset")
479        is_slice = test_name.find("slice") != -1 or test_name in misc_slice_tests
480        is_async = test_name.startswith(("async_", "uasyncio_"))
481        is_const = test_name.startswith("const")
482        is_io_module = test_name.startswith("io_")
484        skip_it = test_file in skip_tests
485        skip_it |= skip_native and is_native
486        skip_it |= skip_endian and is_endian
487        skip_it |= skip_int_big and is_int_big
488        skip_it |= skip_bytearray and is_bytearray
489        skip_it |= skip_set_type and is_set_type
490        skip_it |= skip_slice and is_slice
491        skip_it |= skip_async and is_async
492        skip_it |= skip_const and is_const
493        skip_it |= skip_revops and "reverse_op" in test_name
494        skip_it |= skip_io_module and is_io_module
496        if args.list_tests:
497            if not skip_it:
498                print(test_file)
499            continue
501        if skip_it:
502            print("skip ", test_file)
503            skipped_tests.append(test_name)
504            continue
506        # get expected output
507        test_file_expected = test_file + '.exp'
508        if os.path.isfile(test_file_expected):
509            # expected output given by a file, so read that in
510            with open(test_file_expected, 'rb') as f:
511                output_expected = f.read()
512        else:
513            # run CPython to work out expected output
514            try:
515                output_expected = subprocess.check_output(CPYTHON3_CMD + [test_file])
516                if args.write_exp:
517                    with open(test_file_expected, 'wb') as f:
518                        f.write(output_expected)
519            except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
520                output_expected = b'CPYTHON3 CRASH'
522        # canonical form for all host platforms is to use \n for end-of-line
523        output_expected = output_expected.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n')
525        if args.write_exp:
526            continue
528        # run MicroPython
529        output_mupy = run_micropython(pyb, args, test_file)
531        if output_mupy == b'SKIP\n':
532            print("skip ", test_file)
533            skipped_tests.append(test_name)
534            continue
536        testcase_count += len(output_expected.splitlines())
538        filename_expected = os.path.join(result_dir, test_basename + ".exp")
539        filename_mupy = os.path.join(result_dir, test_basename + ".out")
541        if output_expected == output_mupy:
542            print("pass ", test_file)
543            passed_count += 1
544            rm_f(filename_expected)
545            rm_f(filename_mupy)
546        else:
547            with open(filename_expected, "wb") as f:
548                f.write(output_expected)
549            with open(filename_mupy, "wb") as f:
550                f.write(output_mupy)
551            print("FAIL ", test_file)
552            failed_tests.append(test_name)
554        test_count += 1
556    if args.list_tests:
557        return True
559    print("{} tests performed ({} individual testcases)".format(test_count, testcase_count))
560    print("{} tests passed".format(passed_count))
562    if len(skipped_tests) > 0:
563        print("{} tests skipped: {}".format(len(skipped_tests), ' '.join(skipped_tests)))
564    if len(failed_tests) > 0:
565        print("{} tests failed: {}".format(len(failed_tests), ' '.join(failed_tests)))
566        return False
568    # all tests succeeded
569    return True
572class append_filter(argparse.Action):
574    def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, **kwargs):
575        super().__init__(option_strings, dest, default=[], **kwargs)
577    def __call__(self, parser, args, value, option):
578        if not hasattr(args, self.dest):
579            args.filters = []
580        if option.startswith(("-e", "--e")):
581            option = "exclude"
582        else:
583            option = "include"
584        args.filters.append((option, re.compile(value)))
587def main():
588    cmd_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
589        formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
590        description='''Run and manage tests for MicroPython.
592Tests are discovered by scanning test directories for .py files or using the
593specified test files. If test files nor directories are specified, the script
594expects to be ran in the tests directory (where this file is located) and the
595builtin tests suitable for the target platform are ran.
596When running tests, run-tests compares the MicroPython output of the test with the output
597produced by running the test through CPython unless a <test>.exp file is found, in which
598case it is used as comparison.
599If a test fails, run-tests produces a pair of <test>.out and <test>.exp files in the result
600directory with the MicroPython output and the expectations, respectively.
602        epilog='''\
603Options -i and -e can be multiple and processed in the order given. Regex
604"search" (vs "match") operation is used. An action (include/exclude) of
605the last matching regex is used:
606  run-tests -i async - exclude all, then include tests containing "async" anywhere
607  run-tests -e '/big.+int' - include all, then exclude by regex
608  run-tests -e async -i async_foo - include all, exclude async, yet still include async_foo
610    cmd_parser.add_argument('--target', default='unix', help='the target platform')
611    cmd_parser.add_argument('--device', default='/dev/ttyACM0', help='the serial device or the IP address of the pyboard')
612    cmd_parser.add_argument('-b', '--baudrate', default=115200, help='the baud rate of the serial device')
613    cmd_parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', default='micro', help='the telnet login username')
614    cmd_parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', default='python', help='the telnet login password')
615    cmd_parser.add_argument('-d', '--test-dirs', nargs='*', help='input test directories (if no files given)')
616    cmd_parser.add_argument('-r', '--result-dir', default=base_path('results'), help='directory for test results')
617    cmd_parser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude', action=append_filter, metavar='REGEX', dest='filters', help='exclude test by regex on path/name.py')
618    cmd_parser.add_argument('-i', '--include', action=append_filter, metavar='REGEX', dest='filters', help='include test by regex on path/name.py')
619    cmd_parser.add_argument('--write-exp', action='store_true', help='use CPython to generate .exp files to run tests w/o CPython')
620    cmd_parser.add_argument('--list-tests', action='store_true', help='list tests instead of running them')
621    cmd_parser.add_argument('--emit', default='bytecode', help='MicroPython emitter to use (bytecode or native)')
622    cmd_parser.add_argument('--heapsize', help='heapsize to use (use default if not specified)')
623    cmd_parser.add_argument('--via-mpy', action='store_true', help='compile .py files to .mpy first')
624    cmd_parser.add_argument('--mpy-cross-flags', default='-mcache-lookup-bc', help='flags to pass to mpy-cross')
625    cmd_parser.add_argument('--keep-path', action='store_true', help='do not clear MICROPYPATH when running tests')
626    cmd_parser.add_argument('files', nargs='*', help='input test files')
627    cmd_parser.add_argument('--print-failures', action='store_true', help='print the diff of expected vs. actual output for failed tests and exit')
628    cmd_parser.add_argument('--clean-failures', action='store_true', help='delete the .exp and .out files from failed tests and exit')
629    args = cmd_parser.parse_args()
631    if args.print_failures:
632        for exp in glob(os.path.join(args.result_dir, "*.exp")):
633            testbase = exp[:-4]
634            print()
635            print("FAILURE {0}".format(testbase))
636            os.system("{0} {1}.exp {1}.out".format(DIFF, testbase))
638        sys.exit(0)
640    if args.clean_failures:
641        for f in glob(os.path.join(args.result_dir, "*.exp")) + glob(os.path.join(args.result_dir, "*.out")):
642            os.remove(f)
644        sys.exit(0)
646    LOCAL_TARGETS = ('unix', 'qemu-arm',)
647    EXTERNAL_TARGETS = ('haas100', 'pyboard', 'wipy', 'esp8266', 'esp32', 'minimal', 'nrf')
648    if args.target in LOCAL_TARGETS or args.list_tests:
649        pyb = None
650    elif args.target in EXTERNAL_TARGETS:
651        if (args.target == 'haas100'):
652            global haasboard
653            sys.path.append(base_path('../engine/tools'))
654            import haasboard
655            pyb = haasboard.HaaSboard(args.device, args.baudrate, args.user, args.password)
656            pyb.enter_raw_repl()
657        else:
658            global pyboard
659            sys.path.append(base_path('../engine/tools'))
660            import pyboard
661            pyb = pyboard.Pyboard(args.device, args.baudrate, args.user, args.password)
662            pyb.enter_raw_repl()
663    else:
664        raise ValueError('target must be one of %s' % ", ".join(LOCAL_TARGETS + EXTERNAL_TARGETS))
666    if len(args.files) == 0:
667        if args.test_dirs is None:
668            test_dirs = ('basics', 'micropython', 'misc', 'extmod',)
669            if args.target == 'pyboard':
670                # run pyboard tests
671                test_dirs += ('float', 'stress', 'pyb', 'pybnative', 'inlineasm')
672            elif args.target in ('esp8266', 'esp32', 'minimal', 'nrf'):
673                test_dirs += ('float',)
674            elif args.target == 'wipy':
675                # run WiPy tests
676                test_dirs += ('wipy',)
677            elif args.target == 'unix':
678                # run PC tests
679                test_dirs += ('float', 'import', 'io', 'stress', 'unicode', 'unix', 'cmdline',)
680            elif args.target == 'qemu-arm':
681                if not args.write_exp:
682                    raise ValueError('--target=qemu-arm must be used with --write-exp')
683                # Generate expected output files for qemu run.
684                # This list should match the test_dirs tuple in tinytest-codegen.py.
685                test_dirs += ('float', 'inlineasm', 'qemu-arm',)
686        else:
687            # run tests from these directories
688            test_dirs = args.test_dirs
689        tests = sorted(test_file for test_files in (glob('{}/*.py'.format(dir)) for dir in test_dirs) for test_file in test_files)
690    else:
691        # tests explicitly given
692        tests = args.files
694    if not args.keep_path:
695        # clear search path to make sure tests use only builtin modules and those in extmod
696        os.environ['MICROPYPATH'] = os.pathsep + base_path('../extmod')
698    try:
699        os.makedirs(args.result_dir, exist_ok=True)
700        res = run_tests(pyb, tests, args, args.result_dir)
701    finally:
702        if pyb:
703            pyb.exit_raw_repl()
704            pyb.exit_python_mode()
705            pyb.close()
707    if not res:
708        sys.exit(1)
710if __name__ == "__main__":
711    main()