1 /** mbed Microcontroller Library
2   ******************************************************************************
3   * @file    spi_api.h
4   * @author
5   * @version V1.0.0
6   * @brief   This file provides following mbed SPI API
7   ******************************************************************************
8   * @attention
9   *
10   * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
11   *
12   * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
13   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
14   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
15   *
16   *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
17   *
18   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
19   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
20   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
21   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
22   * limitations under the License.
23   ******************************************************************************
24   */
25 #ifndef MBED_SPI_API_H
26 #define MBED_SPI_API_H
28 #include "device.h"
30 #ifdef __cplusplus
31 extern "C" {
32 #endif
34 /** @addtogroup spi SPI
35  *  @ingroup    hal
36  *  @brief      spi functions
37  *  @{
38  */
41 #if ((defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8711B) && (CONFIG_PLATFORM_8711B == 1)) || (defined (CONFIG_PLATFORM_8721D) && (CONFIG_PLATFORM_8721D == 1)))
42 ///@name AmebaZ and AmebaD
43 ///@{
44 typedef enum {
45 	MBED_SPI0 = 0xF0,	/*!< means SPI0 */
46 	MBED_SPI1 = 0xF1,	/*!< means SPI1 */
48 ///@}
52 ///@name Ameba Common
53 ///@{
55 typedef struct spi_s spi_t;
57 /**
58   * @brief  Initializes the SPI device, include clock/function/interrupt/SPI registers.
59   * @param  obj: spi object define in application software.
60   * @param  mosi: MOSI PinName according to pinmux spec.
61   * @param  miso: MISO PinName according to pinmux spec.
62   * @param  sclk: SCLK PinName according to pinmux spec.
63   * @param  ssel: CS PinName according to pinmux spec.
64   * @retval none
65   * @note must set obj->spi_index to MBED_SPI0 or MBED_SPI1 before using spi_init
66   */
67 void spi_init(spi_t *obj, PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName ssel);
69 /**
70   * @brief  Deinitializes the SPI device, include interrupt/DMA/DISABLE SPI.
71   * @param  obj: spi object define in application software.
72   * @retval none
73   */
74 void spi_free(spi_t *obj);
76 /**
77   * @brief  Set SPI format,include DFS/Phase/Polarity.
78   * @param  obj: spi object define in application software.
79   * @param  bits: data frame size, 4-16 supported.
80   * @param  mode: this parameter can be one of the following values:
81   *		@arg 0 : [Polarity,Phase]=[0,0]
82   *		@arg 1 : [Polarity,Phase]=[0,1]
83   *		@arg 2 : [Polarity,Phase]=[1,0]
84   *		@arg 3 : [Polarity,Phase]=[1,1]
85   * @param  slave: this parameter can be one of the following values:
86   *		@arg 0 : indicates role-master
87   *		@arg 1 : indicates role-slave
88   * @retval none
89   */
90 void spi_format(spi_t *obj, int bits, int mode, int slave);
92 /**
93   * @brief  Set SPI baudrate.
94   * @param  obj: spi master object define in application software.
95   * @param  hz: baudrate for SPI bus
96   * @retval none
97   * @note "hz" should be less or equal to half of the SPI IpClk
98   */
99 void spi_frequency(spi_t *obj, int hz);
101 /**
102   * @brief  Master send one frame use SPI.
103   * @param  obj: spi master object define in application software.
104   * @param  value: the data to transmit.
105   * @retval : data received from slave
106   */
107 int  spi_master_write(spi_t *obj, int value);
109 /**
110   * @brief  Get slave readable && busy state.
111   * @param  obj: spi slave object define in application software.
112   * @retval : slave Readable && Busy State
113   */
114 int  spi_slave_receive(spi_t *obj);
116 /**
117   * @brief  Slave receive one frame use SPI.
118   * @param  obj: spi slave object define in application software.
119   * @retval : data received from master
120   */
121 int  spi_slave_read(spi_t *obj);
123 /**
124   * @brief  Slave send one frame use SPI.
125   * @param  obj: spi slave object define in application software.
126   * @param  value: the data to transmit.
127   * @retval none
128   */
129 void spi_slave_write(spi_t *obj, int value);
131 /**
132   * @brief  Get SPI busy state.
133   * @param  obj: spi object define in application software.
134   * @retval : current busy state
135   */
136 int  spi_busy(spi_t *obj);
138 /**
139   * @brief  SPI device to flush rx fifo.
140   * @param  obj: spi  object define in application software.
141   * @retval  none
142   */
143 void spi_flush_rx_fifo(spi_t *obj);
145 /**
146   * @brief  Open SPI device clock.
147   * @param  obj: spi object define in application software.
148   * @retval none
149   */
150 void spi_enable(spi_t *obj);
152 /**
153   * @brief  Close SPI device clock.
154   * @param  obj: spi object define in application software.
155   * @retval none
156   */
157 void spi_disable(spi_t *obj);
158 ///@}
160 /*\@}*/
162 #ifdef __cplusplus
163 }
164 #endif
166 #endif