1 /** mbed Microcontroller Library
2   ******************************************************************************
3   * @file    flash_api.h
4   * @author
5   * @version V1.0.0
6   * @brief   This file provides mbed FLASH API
7   ******************************************************************************
8   * @attention
9   *
10   * Copyright (c) 2015, Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
11   * All rights reserved.
12   *
13   * This module is a confidential and proprietary property of RealTek and
14   * possession or use of this module requires written permission of RealTek.
15   ******************************************************************************
16   */
21 #include "device.h"
23 #ifdef __cplusplus
24 extern "C" {
25 #endif
27 /** @addtogroup flash FLASH
28  *  @ingroup    hal
29  *  @brief      flash functions
30  *  @{
31  */
33 ///@name Ameba Common
34 ///@{
36 typedef struct flash_s flash_t;
38 /**
39   * @brief  Erase flash sector
40   * @param  obj: Flash object define in application software.
41   * @param  address: Specifies the starting address to be erased.
42   * @retval none
43   */
44 void flash_erase_sector(flash_t *obj, uint32_t address);
46 /**
47   * @brief  Erase flash block(64KB)
48   * @param  obj: Flash object define in application software.
49   * @param  address: Specifies the starting address to be erased.LSB 16bits will be masked.
50   * @retval none
51   */
52 void flash_erase_block(flash_t * obj, uint32_t address);
54 /**
55   * @brief  Read a word from specified address
56   * @param  obj: Flash object define in application software.
57   * @param  address: Specifies the address to read from.
58   * @param  data: Specified the address to save the readback data.
59   * @retval 1: Success
60   * @note auto mode read is ok, because we have flash cache
61   */
62 int flash_read_word(flash_t *obj, uint32_t address, uint32_t * data);
64 /**
65   * @brief  Write a word to specified address
66   * @param  obj: Flash object define in application software.
67   * @param  address: Specifies the address to be programmed to.
68   * @param  data: Specified the data to be programmed.
69   * @retval 1: Success
70   * @note user mode write used
71   */
72 int flash_write_word(flash_t *obj, uint32_t address, uint32_t data);
74 /**
75   * @brief  Read a stream of data from specified address
76   * @param obj: Flash object define in application software.
77   * @param  address: Specifies the starting address to read from.
78   * @param  len: Specifies the length of the data to read.
79   * @param  data: Specified the address to save the readback data.
80   * @retval 1: Success
81   * @note auto mode is ok, because we have flash cache
82   */
83 int flash_stream_read(flash_t *obj, uint32_t address, uint32_t len, uint8_t * data);
85 /**
86   * @brief  Write a stream of data to specified address
87   * @param  obj: Flash object define in application software.
88   * @param  address: Specifies the starting address to write to.
89   * @param  len: Specifies the length of the data to write.
90   * @param  data: Pointer to a byte array that is to be written.
91   * @retval 1: Success
92   */
93 int flash_stream_write(flash_t *obj, uint32_t address, uint32_t len, uint8_t * data);
95 /**
96   * @brief  Control the flash chip write protect enable/disable.
97   * @param  obj: Flash object define in application software.
98   * @param  protect: This parameter can be 1 or 0.
99   *             @arg 1: Protect the whole chip from being programmed/erased.
100   *             @arg 0: Unprotect the whole chip from being programmed/erased.
101   * @retval none
102   */
103 void flash_write_protect(flash_t *obj, uint32_t protect);
105 /**
106   * @brief  Get the value of status register1
107   * @param  obj: Flash object define in application software.
108   * @retval : The value of status register1.
109   */
110 int flash_get_status(flash_t * obj);
112 /**
113   * @brief  Set Status register to enable desired operation
114   * @param  obj: Specifies the parameter of flash object.
115   * @param  data: Specifies which bit users like to set.
116   *        ex: if users want to set the third bit, data = 0x8.
117   * @retval 1: Success
118   * @note  Please refer to the datatsheet of flash for more details of the content of status register.
119   *        The block protected area and the corresponding control bits are provided in the flash datasheet.
120   */
121 int flash_set_status(flash_t * obj, uint32_t data);
123 /**
124   * @brief This function aims to reset the status register, please make sure the operation is appropriate.
125   * @param obj: Specifies the parameter of flash object.
126   * @retval none
127   */
128 void flash_reset_status(flash_t * obj);
130 /**
131   * @brief  It is the same with flash_stream_write function which is used to write a stream of data to specified address.
132   * @param  obj: Flash object define in application software.
133   * @param  address: Specifies the starting address to write to.
134   * @param  len: Specifies the length of the data to write.
135   * @param  data: Pointer to a byte array that is to be written.
136   * @retval 1: Success
137   */
138 int flash_burst_write(flash_t * obj, uint32_t address, uint32_t Length, uint8_t * data);
140 /**
141   * @brief   It is the same with flash_stream_read function which is used to read a stream of data from specified address
142   * @param  obj: Flash object define in application software.
143   * @param  address: Specifies the starting address to read from.
144   * @param  len: Specifies the length of the data to read.
145   * @param  data: Specified the address to save the readback data.
146   * @retval 1: Success
147   */
148 int flash_burst_read(flash_t * obj, uint32_t address, uint32_t Length, uint8_t * data);
150 /**
151   * @brief   This function is only for Micron 128MB flash to access beyond 16MB by switching between eight 16MB-area(segment).
152   *             Please refer to flash datasheet for more information about memory mapping.
153   * @param  obj: Flash object define in application software.
154   * @param  data: Specified which segment to choose.
155   * @retval 1: Success
156   */
157 int flash_set_extend_addr(flash_t * obj, uint32_t data);
159 /**
160   * @brief   This function is only for Micron 128MB flash to read from Extended Address Register, which shows the current segment.
161   *             Please refer to flash datasheet for more information about memory mapping.
162   * @param  obj: Flash object define in application software.
163   * @retval : The value of current Extended Address Register.
164   */
165 int flash_get_extend_addr(flash_t * obj);
167 /**
168   * @brief  Get flash ID (command: 0x9F).
169   * @param  obj: Flash object define in application software.
170   * @param  buf: Pointer to a byte array to save the readback ID.
171   * @param  len: Specifies the length of the buf. It should be 3.
172   * @retval -1: Fail.
173   */
174 int flash_read_id(flash_t *obj, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len);
176 /**
177   * @brief  This function is only for Winbond flash to get unique ID (command: 0x4B).
178   * @param  obj: Flash object define in application software.
179   * @param  buf: Pointer to a byte array to save the readback unique ID.
180   * @param  len: Specifies the length of the buf. It should be 8.
181   * @retval -1: Fail.
182   */
183 int flash_read_unique_id(flash_t *obj, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len);
185 /**
186   * @brief  This function is only for Winbond flash to set lock mode.
187   * @param  mode: This parameter can be 1 or 0.
188   *             @arg 1: Enable individual sector / block protect feature.
189   *             @arg 0: Set status register 1 to enble write protect feature.
190   * @retval none
191   * @note But not all Winbond flash supports the function, plase refer to data sheets of the target flashes.
192   */
193 void flash_set_lock_mode(uint32_t mode);
195 /**
196   * @brief  This function is only for Winbond flash to lock whole flash chip.
197   * @param  none
198   * @retval none
199   * @note But not all Winbond flash supports the function, plase refer to data sheets of the target flashes.
200   */
201 void flash_global_lock(void);
203 /**
204   * @brief  This function is only for Winbond flash to unlock whole flash chip.
205   * @param  none
206   * @retval none
207   * @note But not all Winbond flash supports the function, plase refer to data sheets of the target flashes.
208   */
209 void flash_global_unlock(void);
211 /**
212   * @brief  This function is only for Winbond flash to lock individual sector or block region, should refer to the datasheet for more details.
213   * @param  address
214   * @retval none
215   * @note But not all Winbond flash supports the function, plase refer to data sheets of the target flashes.
216   */
217 void flash_individual_lock(uint32_t address);
219 /**
220   * @brief  This function is only for Winbond flash to unlock individual sector or block region, should refer to the datasheet for more details.
221   * @param  address
222   * @retval none
223   * @note But not all Winbond flash supports the function, plase refer to data sheets of the target flashes.
224   */
225 void flash_individual_unlock(uint32_t address);
227 /**
228   * @brief  This function is only for Winbond flash to get the individual lock state on certain address.
229   * @param  address
230   * @retval 1: the target sector/block is locked.
231   *			0: the target sector/block is not locked.
232   * @note But not all Winbond flash supports the function, plase refer to data sheets of the target flashes.
233   */
234 int flash_read_individual_lock_state(uint32_t address);
236 ///@}
238 #if ((defined(CONFIG_PLATFORM_8711B) && (CONFIG_PLATFORM_8711B == 1)) || (defined (CONFIG_PLATFORM_8721D) && (CONFIG_PLATFORM_8721D == 1)))
239 ///@name AmebaZ and AmebaD
240 ///@{
241 /**
242   * @brief  Erase the whole flash chip
243   * @param obj: Flash object define in application software.
244   * @retval   none
245   */
246 void flash_erase_chip(flash_t *obj);
247 ///@}
248 #endif //CONFIG_PLATFORM_8711B and CONFIG_PLATFORM_8721D
250 /*\@}*/
252 #ifdef __cplusplus
253 }
254 #endif
256 #endif