1 /*
2  * Arm SCP/MCP Software
3  * Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Arm Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
6  */
8 #ifndef _CLI_FIFO_H_
9 #define _CLI_FIFO_H_
11 #include <stdbool.h>
12 #include <stdint.h>
14 /*****************************************************************************/
15 /* Structure Types                                                           */
16 /*****************************************************************************/
18 typedef struct {
19     uint32_t put_ptr;
20     uint32_t get_ptr;
21     uint32_t count;
22     uint32_t high_water;
23     bool reset_high_water;
24     uint32_t buf_size;
25     char *buf;
26 } fifo_st;
28 /*****************************************************************************/
29 /* Function Prototypes                                                       */
30 /*****************************************************************************/
32 /*
33  * fifo_init
34  *   Description
35  *     Initializes a FIFO structure, the caller must supply the buffer memory.
36  *   Parameters
37  *     fifo_st *fifo
38  *       Pointer to a pre-allocated fifo_st structure.
39  *     char *buf
40  *       Pointer to memory to store FIFO entries.
41  *     uint32_t buf_size
42  *       Size of the buffer in bytes.
43  *   Return
44  *     Platform return codes defined in cli_config.h.
45  */
46 uint32_t fifo_init(fifo_st *fifo, char *buf, uint32_t buf_size);
48 /*
49  * fifo_get
50  *   Description
51  *     Gets a byte from a FIFO and places into the address supplied.
52  *   Parameters
53  *     fifo_st *fifo
54  *       Pointer to fifo_st structure to get the byte from.
55  *     char *val
56  *       Pointer to location in which to place the retrieved byte.
57  *   Return
58  *     Platform return codes defined in cli_config.h.
59  */
60 uint32_t fifo_get(fifo_st *fifo, char *val);
62 /*
63  * fifo_put
64  *   Description
65  *     Places a byte into a FIFO buffer.
66  *   Parameters
67  *     fifo_st *fifo
68  *       Pointer to fifo_st structure to put the byte into.
69  *     char *val
70  *       Pointer to location from which to get the byte.
71  *   Return
72  *     Platform return codes defined in cli_config.h.
73  */
74 uint32_t fifo_put(fifo_st *fifo, char *val);
76 /*
77  * fifo_free_space
78  *   Description
79  *     Returns the number of unused entries in the FIFO buffer.
80  *   Parameters
81  *     fifo_st *fifo
82  *       Pointer to fifo_st structure to get the free space from.
83  *   Return
84  *     Number of free spaces in the FIFO.
85  */
86 uint32_t fifo_free_space(fifo_st *fifo);
88 /*
89  * fifo_count
90  *   Description
91  *     Returns the number of bytes currently in a FIFO.
92  *   Paremeters
93  *     fifo_st *fifo
94  *       Buffer from which to get the count.
95  *   Return
96  *     Number of bytes in the FIFO.
97  */
98 uint32_t fifo_count(fifo_st *fifo);
100 /*
101  * fifo_capacity
102  *   Description
103  *     Gets the maximum number of bytes that can be stored by a FIFO.
104  *   Parameters
105  *     fifo_st *fifo
106  *       Pointer to FIFO structure from which to get the capacity.
107  *   Return
108  *     Total capacity of the FIFO, this will be one less than the buffer size.
109  */
110 uint32_t fifo_capacity(fifo_st *fifo);
112 /*
113  * fifo_high_water
114  *   Description
115  *     Returns the high-water point from the FIFO buffer.
116  *   Parameters
117  *     fifo_st *fifo
118  *       Buffer structure to get the high-water count from.
119  *   Return
120  *     High water mark from FIFO.
121  */
122 uint32_t fifo_high_water(fifo_st *fifo);
124 /*
125  * fifo_high_water_reset
126  *   Description
127  *     Resets the high water counter by freezing it until the buffer is empty.
128  *   Paremeters
129  *     fifo_st *fifo
130  *       Buffer structure to reset the high-water count in.
131  *   Return
132  *     Platform return codes defined in cli_config.h.
133  */
134 uint32_t fifo_high_water_reset(fifo_st *fifo);
136 /*
137  * fifo_empty
138  *   Description
139  *     Removes every item from the FIFO buffer.
140  *   Parameters
141  *     fifo_st *fifo
142  *       Pointer to fifo_st structure to empty.
143  *   Return
144  *     Platform return codes defined in cli_config.h.
145  */
146 uint32_t fifo_empty(fifo_st *fifo);
148 #endif /* _CLI_FIFO_H_ */