1\ingroup GroupModules Modules
2\defgroup GroupApRemap AP Remap
4Module AP Remap Design
7# Overview
9The Manageability and System Control Processors (MSCP) in some of the Arm's
10Reference Design platforms are based on 32-bit Cortex-M7 processor and can
11address up to 4GB of address space. These sub-systems can also address the lower
122GB of the application processor's address space using the expansion ports that
13are directly mapped into 2GB of the MSCP's address space. For accessing any
14address above the lower 2GB address space of application processor or the
15address space of other chips in multi-chip configuration, MSCP uses and an
16address translation controller. The functionality of this controller and the
17overall application processor addressing from MSCP is described below.
19# Multi-chip AP Remap Overview
21For all memory accesses generated by MSCP which falls within the System Access
22Port window, the memory remapping applied to that address is illustrated below.
25                                                   +------------------------------+
26                                                   |          Remap to            |
27                                                   | {ADDR_TRANS[47:20 bits],     +---------------------------->+
28                                                   | Incoming address[19:0 bits]} |                             |
29                                                   +--------------+---------------+                             |
30                                                                  ^                                             |
31                                                                  | Yes                                         |
32                                                                  |                                             |
33                                                       +----------+------------+                                |
34                                                       |  Address in range     |    No                          |
35                                                       |  {0x0_2B00_0000       +------------------------------->+
36                                                       |  to 0x0_2B0F_ FFFF} + |                                |
37                                                       |  4TB * CHIP_ID ?      |                                |
38                                                       +---------+-------------+                                |
39                                                                 ^                                              |
40                     MSCP Memory Space                           |                                              |
41                                                                 |                                              |
42   0xFFFF_FFFF +--------------------------+                +-----+--------+                                     |
43               |                          |                |  Address     |   No                                |
44               |                          |                |  Translation +------------------------------------>+
45               |                          |                |  enabled?    |                                     |
46               |                          |                +-----+--------+                                     |
47               |                          |                      ^                                              |
48               |                          |                      |                                              |
49               |                          |                      |                                              |
50               |                          |        +-------------+-------------+ 0x3FFF_FFFF + 4TB * CHIP_ID    |
51   0xE000_0000 +--------------------------+        |                           |                                |
52               |                          |        | remap to 4TB * CHIP_ID +  |                                |
53               |                          |        |       0GB to 1GB of       |                                |
54               |   System Access Port 1   +------->+   Application Processor   |                                |
55               |                          |        |       Memory Space        |                                |
56               |                          |        +---------------------------+ 0x0000_0000 + 4TB * CHIP_ID    |
57   0xA000_0000 +--------------------------+                                                                     |
58               |                          |         +-----+--------+        +---------------------------+ 0x01_7FFF_FFFF + 4TB * CHIP_ID
59               |                          |         |  CMN Addr    |  Yes   |                           |       |
60               |   System Access Port 0   +-------->+  Translation +------->+ remap to 4TB * CHIP_ID +  |       |
61               |                          |         |  enabled?    |        |       CMN Configuration   |       |
62               |                          |         +-----+--------+        |       region in AP        |       |
63   0x6000_0000 +--------------------------+               |                 |       Memory Space        |       |
64               |                          |               |  No             +-------------+-------------+ 0x01_4000_0000 + 4TB * CHIP_ID
65               |                          |               |                               |                     |
66               |                          |               v                               |                     |
67               |                          |         +-----+---------------------+ 0x7FFF_FFFF + 4TB * CHIP_ID   |
68               |                          |         |                           |         |                     |
69               |                          |         + remap to 4TB * CHIP_ID +  |         |                     |
70               |                          |         |       1GB to 2GB of       |         |                     |
71               |                          |         |   Application Processor   |         |                     |
72               |                          |         |       Memory Space        |         |                     |
73               |                          |         +-------------+-------------+ 0x4000_0000 + 4TB * CHIP_ID   |
74               |                          |                       |                       |                     |
75               |                          |                       |                       |                     |
76   0x0000_0000 +--------------------------+                       |                       v                     |
77                                                                  +-----------------------+---------------------+
78                                                                  |
79                                                                  |
80                                                                  v
81                                                            To Interconnect
84    - MSCP to access the lower 2GB of the application processor memory space
85      through the "System Access Port" window in the MSCP address space. The
86      memory map of System Access Port window memory to the application
87      processor memory map is shown below.
89          System Access Port             Application Processor Memory Map
90          ------------------             --------------------------------
91          0x6000_0000 - 0x9FFF_FFFF  ->  0x4000_0000 - 0x7FFF_FFFF
92          0xA000_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF  ->  0x0000_0000 - 0x3FFF_FFFF
94    - MSCP to access 2GB and above address space of the local chip's application
95      processor memory space or remote chip's application processor memory space.
96      This is limited to 1MB access at a time.
98# Module design
100The AP Remap module provides the ability to configure the System Access Port
101translations. A module that accesses the AP memory space, can bind to the AP
102Remap module and access the memory location by using the `access_ap_memory()`
1051. For an address that falls within the first 2GB range of application processor
106   memory space (System Access Port 0 or 1), the access is completed by the
107   above defined memory translation.
1092. For an address that falls above the 2GB range of application processor memory
110   space, this function enables the AP Remap register from the MSCP PIK register
111   space and uses the System Access Port 1's 1MB windowing range to access the
112   required address.
114The AP Remap results in changing the address passed to the bus and hence the
115interrupts are disabled to enforce serialization between access to this API.
117# Support for CMN AP Remap
119On reference design platforms that map the CMN controller above 4GB of the
120application processor address space, the `CMN_ATRANS_EN` bit in SCP PIK register
121space allows the CMN controller to be mapped into MSCP addressable space.
122Setting this bit will translate MSCP's `0x6000_0000 - 0x9FFF_FFFFF` to
123`(4TB * CHIPID) + (CMN register offset)`
125## Code Snippet
129access_ap_memory_1mb_window(uint64t addr):
130        disable_interrupts();
131        DSB()
132        if(cmn_addr_trans_bit_set):
133            disable_cmn_addr_trans();
134        enable_addr_trans( with addr_47_20 )
135        read(0x0_CB00_0000 + addr_19_0)
136        //
137        // or access_ap_memory(0x0_2B00_0000 + addr_19_0) but avoiding recursion
138        // under critical section
139        //
140        DSB()
141        if(cmn_addr_trans_bit_set):
142            enable_cmn_addr_trans();
143        enable_interrupts()
146access_ap_memory(uint64t addr):
147    if (addr >= 0x0_0000_0000 <= 0x0_3FFF_FFFF):           // first 1GB block
148        read(addr + 0x0_A000_0000);
149    else if (addr >= 0x0_4000_0000 <= 0x0_7FFF_FFFF):      // second 1GB block
150        if(cmn_addr_trans_bit_set):
151            disable_cmn_addr_trans();
152        read(addr + 0x0_2000_0000)
153        if(cmn_addr_trans_bit_set):
154            enable_cmn_addr_trans();
155    elseif (addr > 0x0_7FFF_FFFF):
156        access_ap_memory_1mb_window(addr)