1// vi:set ft=cpp: -*- Mode: C++ -*-
3 * \file
4 * The debugger interface specifies common debugging related definitions.
5 */
7 * (c) 2010-2011 Adam Lackorzynski <adam@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>,
8 *               Alexander Warg <warg@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>
9 *     economic rights: Technische Universität Dresden (Germany)
10 *
11 * This file is part of TUD:OS and distributed under the terms of the
12 * GNU General Public License 2.
13 * Please see the COPYING-GPL-2 file for details.
14 *
15 * As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
16 * library without restriction.  Specifically, if other files instantiate
17 * templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
18 * this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
19 * file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
20 * the GNU General Public License.  This exception does not however
21 * invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
22 * the GNU General Public License.
23 */
24#pragma once
26#include <l4/sys/debugger.h>
27#include <l4/sys/kobject>
29namespace L4 {
32 * C++ kernel debugger API.
33 *
34 * \attention This API is subject to change! Do not rely on it in production
35 *            code.
36 *
37 * This API is to be used for debugging exclusively.
38 *
39 * This is the API for accessing kernel-debugger functionality from user-level
40 * programs. Specifically, it provides functionality to enrich the kernel
41 * debugger with insights into the program. The purpose is to facilitate
42 * debugging with the kernel debugger. For instance, a developer might choose
43 * to name the threads of her program so that she can find them in the kernel
44 * debugger thread list.
45 *
46 * This API interacts with a kernel object that interfaces with the kernel
47 * debugger, the jdb-kernel object. The jdb-kernel object is fix and only
48 * available when the kernel debugger is built into the microkernel. The
49 * developer needs to pass the capability through to her program.
50 *
51 * \includefile{l4/sys/debugger}
52 */
53class Debugger : public Kobject_t<Debugger, Kobject, L4_PROTO_DEBUGGER>
56  enum
57  {
58    Switch_log_on  = L4_DEBUGGER_SWITCH_LOG_ON,
59    Switch_log_off = L4_DEBUGGER_SWITCH_LOG_OFF,
60  };
62  /**
63   * \copybrief l4_debugger_set_object_name()
64   *
65   * \param name  Name
66   * \param utcb  The UTCB to use for the operation.
67   *
68   * \return System call return tag.
69   */
70  l4_msgtag_t set_object_name(const char *name,
71                              l4_utcb_t *utcb = l4_utcb()) noexcept
72  { return l4_debugger_set_object_name_u(cap(), name, utcb); }
74  /**
75   * \copybrief l4_debugger_global_id()
76   *
77   * \param utcb  The UTCB to use for the operation.
78   *
79   * \retval ~0UL  The capability is invalid.
80   * \retval >=0   The global debugger id.
81   */
82  unsigned long global_id(l4_utcb_t *utcb = l4_utcb()) noexcept
83  { return l4_debugger_global_id_u(cap(), utcb); }
85  /**
86   * \copybrief l4_debugger_kobj_to_id()
87   *
88   * \param kobjp  Kobject pointer
89   * \param utcb   The UTCB to use for the operation.
90   *
91   * \retval ~0UL  The capability or the Kobject pointer are invalid.
92   * \retval >=0   The globally unique id.
93   */
94  unsigned long kobj_to_id(l4_addr_t kobjp,
95                           l4_utcb_t *utcb = l4_utcb()) noexcept
96  { return l4_debugger_kobj_to_id_u(cap(), kobjp, utcb); }
98  /**
99   * \copybrief l4_debugger_query_log_typeid()
100   *
101   * \param name   Name to query for.
102   * \param idx    Idx to start searching, start with 0
103   * \param utcb   The UTCB to use for the operation.
104   *
105   * \retval >=0  Id
106   * \retval <0   Error
107   */
108  long query_log_typeid(const char *name, unsigned idx,
109                        l4_utcb_t *utcb = l4_utcb()) noexcept
110  { return l4_debugger_query_log_typeid_u(cap(), name, idx, utcb); }
112  /**
113   * \copybrief l4_debugger_query_log_name()
114   *
115   * \param      idx           ID to query.
116   * \param[out] name          Buffer to copy name to. The buffer must be
117   *                           allocated by the caller.
118   * \param      namelen       Buffer length of name.
119   * \param[out] shortname     Buffer to copy `shortname` to. The buffer must
120   *                           be allocated by the caller.
121   * \param      shortnamelen  Buffer length of `shortname`.
122   * \param      utcb          The UTCB to use for the operation.
123   *
124   * \retval 0   Success
125   * \retval <0  Error
126   */
127  long query_log_name(unsigned idx,
128                      char *name, unsigned namelen,
129                      char *shortname, unsigned shortnamelen,
130                      l4_utcb_t *utcb = l4_utcb()) noexcept
131  {
132    return l4_debugger_query_log_name_u(cap(), idx, name, namelen,
133                                        shortname, shortnamelen, utcb);
134  }
136  /**
137   * \copybrief l4_debugger_switch_log()
138   * \param name    Name of the log type.
139   * \param on_off  1: turn log on, 0: turn log off
140   * \param utcb    The UTCB to use for the operation.
141   *
142   * \return Syscall return tag
143   */
144  l4_msgtag_t switch_log(const char *name, unsigned on_off,
145                         l4_utcb_t *utcb = l4_utcb()) noexcept
146  { return l4_debugger_switch_log_u(cap(), name, on_off, utcb); }
148  /**
149   * Get name of object with Id `id`.
150   *
151   * \param      id    Id of the object whose name is asked.
152   * \param[out] name  Buffer to copy the name into. The buffer must be
153   *                   allocated by the caller.
154   * \param      size  Length of the `name` buffer.
155   * \param      utcb  The UTCB to use for the operation.
156   *
157   * \return Syscall return tag
158   */
159  l4_msgtag_t get_object_name(unsigned id, char *name, unsigned size,
160                       l4_utcb_t *utcb = l4_utcb()) noexcept
161  { return l4_debugger_get_object_name_u(cap(), id, name, size, utcb); }