1 /**
2 * \file
3 * Kernel Info Page access functions.
4 * \ingroup l4_api
5 */
6 /*
7 * (c) 2008-2013 Adam Lackorzynski <adam@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>,
8 * Alexander Warg <warg@os.inf.tu-dresden.de>
9 * economic rights: Technische Universität Dresden (Germany)
10 *
11 * This file is part of TUD:OS and distributed under the terms of the
12 * GNU General Public License 2.
13 * Please see the COPYING-GPL-2 file for details.
14 *
15 * As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
16 * library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
17 * templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
18 * this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
19 * file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
20 * the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
21 * invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
22 * the GNU General Public License.
23 */
24 #pragma once
26 #include <l4/sys/compiler.h>
27 #include <l4/sys/l4int.h>
29 #include <l4/sys/__kip-arch.h>
31 /**
32 * \internal
33 */
34 struct l4_kip_platform_info
35 {
36 char name[16];
37 l4_uint32_t is_mp;
38 struct l4_kip_platform_info_arch arch;
39 };
41 #if L4_MWORD_BITS == 32
42 # include <l4/sys/__kip-32bit.h>
43 #else
44 # include <l4/sys/__kip-64bit.h>
45 #endif
47 /**
48 * \addtogroup l4_kip_api
49 *
50 * C interface for the Kernel Interface Page:<br>
51 * \includefile{l4/sys/kip.h}
52 */
53 /*@{*/
55 /**
56 * \internal
57 */
58 enum l4_kernel_info_consts_t
59 {
60 L4_KIP_VERSION_FIASCO = 0x87004444,
61 L4_KIP_VERSION_FIASCO_MASK = 0xff00ffff,
62 };
64 enum
65 {
66 /**
67 * Offset of KIP code (provided by the kernel) for reading the KIP clock in
68 * microseconds. If the kernel is configured for a fine-grained KIP clock
69 * (CONFIG_SYNC_TSC enabled for IA32, ARM_SYNC_CLOCK for ARM), this code
70 * provides the KIP clock with microseconds granularity and accuracy by
71 * reading the hardware clock used by the kernel and transforming this value
72 * into microseconds. Otherwise this code just reads the KIP clock value.
73 */
74 L4_KIP_OFFS_READ_US = 0x900,
76 /**
77 * Offset of KIP code (provided by the kernel) for reading the time stamp
78 * counter and transforming this value into nanoseconds. If the kernel is
79 * configured for fine-grained KIP clock (CONFIG_SYNC enabled for IA32,
80 * ARM_SYNC_CLOCK for ARM), this code provides the KIP clock with nanoseconds
81 * granularity and accuracy by reading the hardware clock used by the kernel
82 * and transforming this value into nanoseconds. Otherwise this code just
83 * reads the KIP clock value and multiplies it by 1000.
84 */
85 L4_KIP_OFFS_READ_NS = 0x980,
86 };
88 /**
89 * Kernel Info Page identifier ("L4µK").
90 */
91 #define L4_KERNEL_INFO_MAGIC (0x4BE6344CL) /* "L4µK" */
94 /**
95 * Get the kernel version.
96 *
97 * \param kip Kernel Info Page.
98 *
99 * \return Kernel version string. 0 if KIP could not be mapped.
100 */
101 L4_INLINE l4_umword_t l4_kip_version(l4_kernel_info_t *kip) L4_NOTHROW;
103 /**
104 * Get the kernel version string.
105 *
106 * \param kip Kernel Info Page.
107 *
108 * \return Kernel version string.
109 */
110 L4_INLINE const char *l4_kip_version_string(l4_kernel_info_t *kip) L4_NOTHROW;
112 /**
113 * Return offset in bytes of version_strings relative to the KIP base.
114 *
115 * \param kip Pointer to the kernel info page (KIP).
116 *
117 * \return offset of version_strings relative to the KIP base address, in
118 * bytes.
119 */
120 L4_INLINE int
121 l4_kernel_info_version_offset(l4_kernel_info_t *kip) L4_NOTHROW;
123 /**
124 * Return clock value from the KIP.
125 *
126 * \param kip Pointer to the kernel info page (KIP).
127 *
128 * \return Value of the clock field in the KIP.
129 *
130 * The KIP clock always contains the current (relative) time in micro seconds
131 * independently of the CPU frequency. The clock is only guaranteed to be
132 * accurate within the scheduling granularity announced in the KIP.
133 *
134 * This function basically calls the KIP code for reading the KIP clock with
135 * microseconds resolution. The accuracy depends on the platform and the kernel
136 * configuration.
137 *
138 * \see L4_KIP_OFFS_READ_US.
139 */
140 L4_INLINE l4_cpu_time_t
141 l4_kip_clock(l4_kernel_info_t *kip) L4_NOTHROW;
143 /**
144 * Return least significant machine word of clock value from the KIP.
145 *
146 * \param kip Pointer to the kernel info page (KIP).
147 *
148 * \return Lower machine word of clock value from the KIP.
149 *
150 * This function will always provide the least significant machine word of the
151 * clock value from the KIP, regardless of the kernel configuration.
152 */
153 L4_INLINE l4_umword_t
154 l4_kip_clock_lw(l4_kernel_info_t *kip) L4_NOTHROW;
156 /**
157 * Return current clock using the KIP in nanoseconds.
158 *
159 * \param kip Pointer to the kernel info page (KIP).
160 *
161 * \return Value of the current clock in nanoseconds.
162 *
163 * This function basically calls the KIP code for reading the KIP clock with
164 * nanoseconds resolution. The accuracy depends on the platform and the kernel
165 * configuration.
166 *
167 * \see L4_KIP_OFFS_READ_NS.
168 */
169 L4_INLINE l4_uint64_t
170 l4_kip_clock_ns(l4_kernel_info_t *kip) L4_NOTHROW;
172 /*@}*/
174 /*************************************************************************
175 * Implementations
176 *************************************************************************/
178 L4_INLINE l4_umword_t
l4_kip_version(l4_kernel_info_t * kip)179 l4_kip_version(l4_kernel_info_t *kip) L4_NOTHROW
180 { return kip->version & L4_KIP_VERSION_FIASCO_MASK; }
182 L4_INLINE const char*
l4_kip_version_string(l4_kernel_info_t * k)183 l4_kip_version_string(l4_kernel_info_t *k) L4_NOTHROW
184 { return (const char *)k + l4_kernel_info_version_offset(k); }
186 L4_INLINE int
l4_kernel_info_version_offset(l4_kernel_info_t * kip)187 l4_kernel_info_version_offset(l4_kernel_info_t *kip) L4_NOTHROW
188 { return kip->offset_version_strings << 4; }
190 L4_INLINE l4_cpu_time_t
l4_kip_clock(l4_kernel_info_t * kip)191 l4_kip_clock(l4_kernel_info_t *kip) L4_NOTHROW
192 {
193 // Use kernel-provided code to determine the current clock.
194 typedef l4_uint64_t (*kip_time_fn_read_us)(void);
195 kip_time_fn_read_us read_us =
196 (kip_time_fn_read_us)((l4_uint8_t*)kip + L4_KIP_OFFS_READ_US);
197 return read_us();
198 }
200 L4_INLINE l4_cpu_time_t
l4_kip_clock_ns(l4_kernel_info_t * kip)201 l4_kip_clock_ns(l4_kernel_info_t *kip) L4_NOTHROW
202 {
203 typedef l4_uint64_t (*kip_time_fn_read_ns)(void);
204 kip_time_fn_read_ns read_ns =
205 (kip_time_fn_read_ns)((l4_uint8_t*)kip + L4_KIP_OFFS_READ_NS);
206 return read_ns();
207 }
209 L4_INLINE l4_umword_t
l4_kip_clock_lw(l4_kernel_info_t * kip)210 l4_kip_clock_lw(l4_kernel_info_t *kip) L4_NOTHROW
211 {
212 /* We do the casting because the clock field is volatile */
213 unsigned long *c = (unsigned long *)&kip->_clock_val;
214 l4_mb();
215 return c[0];
216 }