1 // -*- C++ -*-
2 //===-- parallel_impl.h ---------------------------------------------------===//
3 //
4 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
5 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
7 //
8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
13 #include <atomic>
14 // This header defines the minimum set of parallel routines required to support Parallel STL,
15 // implemented on top of Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks (Intel(R) TBB) library
17 namespace __pstl
18 {
19 namespace __internal
20 {
22 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 // parallel_find
24 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
25 /** Return extremum value returned by brick f[i,j) for subranges [i,j) of [first,last)
26 Each f[i,j) must return a value in [i,j). */
27 template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _Index, class _Brick, class _Compare>
28 _Index
__parallel_find(_ExecutionPolicy && __exec,_Index __first,_Index __last,_Brick __f,_Compare __comp,bool __b_first)29 __parallel_find(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _Index __first, _Index __last, _Brick __f, _Compare __comp, bool __b_first)
30 {
31     typedef typename std::iterator_traits<_Index>::difference_type _DifferenceType;
32     const _DifferenceType __n = __last - __first;
33     _DifferenceType __initial_dist = __b_first ? __n : -1;
34     std::atomic<_DifferenceType> __extremum(__initial_dist);
35     // TODO: find out what is better here: parallel_for or parallel_reduce
36     __par_backend::__parallel_for(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
37                                   [__comp, __f, __first, &__extremum](_Index __i, _Index __j) {
38                                       // See "Reducing Contention Through Priority Updates", PPoPP '13, for discussion of
39                                       // why using a shared variable scales fairly well in this situation.
40                                       if (__comp(__i - __first, __extremum))
41                                       {
42                                           _Index __res = __f(__i, __j);
43                                           // If not '__last' returned then we found what we want so put this to extremum
44                                           if (__res != __j)
45                                           {
46                                               const _DifferenceType __k = __res - __first;
47                                               for (_DifferenceType __old = __extremum; __comp(__k, __old);
48                                                    __old = __extremum)
49                                               {
50                                                   __extremum.compare_exchange_weak(__old, __k);
51                                               }
52                                           }
53                                       }
54                                   });
55     return __extremum != __initial_dist ? __first + __extremum : __last;
56 }
58 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 // parallel_or
60 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 //! Return true if brick f[i,j) returns true for some subrange [i,j) of [first,last)
62 template <class _ExecutionPolicy, class _Index, class _Brick>
63 bool
__parallel_or(_ExecutionPolicy && __exec,_Index __first,_Index __last,_Brick __f)64 __parallel_or(_ExecutionPolicy&& __exec, _Index __first, _Index __last, _Brick __f)
65 {
66     std::atomic<bool> __found(false);
67     __par_backend::__parallel_for(std::forward<_ExecutionPolicy>(__exec), __first, __last,
68                                   [__f, &__found](_Index __i, _Index __j) {
69                                       if (!__found.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) && __f(__i, __j))
70                                       {
71                                           __found.store(true, std::memory_order_relaxed);
72                                           __par_backend::__cancel_execution();
73                                       }
74                                   });
75     return __found;
76 }
78 } // namespace __internal
79 } // namespace __pstl
81 #endif /* _PSTL_PARALLEL_IMPL_H */