2     Copyright 2021, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
4     SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0
7# Vulnerability disclosure policy
9Security is a core value of the seL4 Foundation. If you believe you have
10found a security vulnerability in seL4, we ask you to work with us to
11resolve it according to principles of responsible disclosure. This
12policy outlines what we ask of you, and what you can expect of us.
14## Scope
16This policy currently applies to the most recent released versions, and
17the heads of the default branches of the software in the following seL4
18Foundation repositories:
19- https://github.com/seL4/seL4
20- https://github.com/seL4/capdl
21- https://github.com/seL4/camkes-tool
23Note that these repositories include various code generation tools, for
24example the seL4 [bitfield generator], the [capDL-tool] and the
25[camkes-tool]. This policy applies to the code these tools ultimately
26generate, but not to the code generators themselves. In other words,
27it's the code that ends up running on seL4-based systems that we care
30[bitfield generator]: https://github.com/seL4/seL4/blob/master/tools/bitfield_gen.py
31[capDL-tool]: https://github.com/seL4/capdl/tree/master/capDL-tool
32[camkes-tool]: https://github.com/seL4/camkes-tool
34## What we ask of you
36- Report any vulnerabilities you discover as soon as you can, using the
37  official channel below.
38- Provide enough detail to allow us to understand the vulnerability and
39  its impact.
40- Be patient with us if we have questions.
41- Allow us reasonable time to fix the vulnerability before you disclose
42  it publicly.
43- Be mindful that updating the proofs for a fix might take longer than
44  you imagine.
45- Avoid violating the privacy of others, disrupting the normal operation
46  of our systems, or destroying data.
48## What you can expect of us
50- We will respond to your report within 14 days, and usually sooner.
51- We will work with you to understand and reproduce the vulnerability
52  you are reporting.
53- We will try to reach agreement on an appropriate timeframe for fixing
54  the vulnerability. We will usually aim for 90 days, but sometimes we
55  will need significantly longer to complete difficult proofs.
56- We will work to fix the vulnerability in a timely manner, and will
57  keep you informed of our progress.
58- When we have developed a fix, we will publicly acknowledge the
59  vulnerability.
60- If you agree, we will publicly acknowledge your role in finding and
61  helping us fix the vulnerability.
62- We will protect your privacy, and will not disclose your personally
63  identifying information to third parties without your explicit
64  permission.
66Unfortunately, we are not currently able to offer bug bounties.
68## Official channel
70Please send vulnerability reports by email to security@seL4.systems,
71optionally encrypted using our security officer's [OpenPGP key].
73[OpenPGP key]: https://seL4.systems/security.asc
75## FAQ
77### How can formally verified software contain security vulnerabilities?
79seL4 supports many configurations, and only some of these are verified.
80For unverified configurations, we want to know about vulnerabilities, so
81we can provide the level of support that you would expect from any
82well-engineered software.
84Even verified configurations contain some code that is assumed to do the
85right thing, including boot code, assembly stubs, and cache management.
86If that code does the wrong thing, there might be a security
87vulnerability in a verified configuration, and we want to know about
90The proofs also make a number of assumptions about the way hardware
91works. If our assumptions are not valid for real hardware, there might
92be a security vulnerability, and we want to know so we can try to fix
93our assumptions. Some assumptions might not be possible to fix. For
94example, the assumption that memory is incorruptible may be violated by
95Rowhammer, but it is quite fundamental to the proofs.
97For more information about what the proofs mean, see the [seL4 FAQ].
99[seL4 FAQ]: https://docs.sel4.systems/projects/sel4/frequently-asked-questions.html