1 /*
2  * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
3  *
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
5  */
7 #pragma once
8 #include <autoconf.h>
10 /**
11  * @defgroup MCSSystemCalls MCS System Calls
12  * @{
13  */
15 /**
16  * @xmlonly <manual name="Send" label="sel4_mcs_send"/> @endxmlonly
17  * @brief Send to a capability
18  *
19  * @xmlonly
20  * <docref>See <autoref label="sec:sys_send"/></docref>
21  * @endxmlonly
22  *
23  * @param[in] dest The capability to be invoked.
24  * @param[in] msgInfo The messageinfo structure for the IPC.
25  */
27 seL4_Send(seL4_CPtr dest, seL4_MessageInfo_t msgInfo);
29 /**
30  * @xmlonly <manual name="Recv" label="sel4_mcs_recv"/> @endxmlonly
31  * @brief Block until a message is received on an endpoint
32  *
33  * @xmlonly
34  * <docref>See <autoref label="sec:sys_recv"/></docref>
35  * @endxmlonly
36  *
37  * @param[in] src The capability to be invoked.
38  * @param[out] sender The address to write sender information to.
39  *               The sender information is the badge of the
40  *               endpoint capability that was invoked by the
41  *               sender, or the notification word of the
42  *               notification object that was signalled.
43  *               This parameter is ignored if `NULL`.
44  * @param[in] reply The capability to the reply object to use on a call (only used on MCS).
45  *
46  * @return A `seL4_MessageInfo_t` structure
47  * @xmlonly
48  * <docref>as described in <autoref label="sec:messageinfo"/></docref>
49  * @endxmlonly
50  */
51 LIBSEL4_INLINE_FUNC seL4_MessageInfo_t
52 seL4_Recv(seL4_CPtr src, seL4_Word *sender, seL4_CPtr reply);
54 /**
55  * @xmlonly <manual name="Call" label="sel4_mcs_call"/> @endxmlonly
56  * @brief  Call a capability
57  *
58  * @xmlonly
59  * <docref>See <autoref label="sec:sys_call"/></docref>
60  * @endxmlonly
61  *
62  * @param[in] dest The capability to be invoked.
63  * @param[in] msgInfo The messageinfo structure for the IPC.
64  *
65  * @return A `seL4_MessageInfo_t` structure
66  * @xmlonly
67  * <docref>as described in <autoref label="sec:messageinfo"/></docref>
68  * @endxmlonly
69  */
70 LIBSEL4_INLINE_FUNC seL4_MessageInfo_t
71 seL4_Call(seL4_CPtr dest, seL4_MessageInfo_t msgInfo);
74 /**
75  * @xmlonly <manual name="Non-Blocking Send" label="sel4_mcs_nbsend"/> @endxmlonly
76  * @brief Perform a non-blocking send to a capability
77  *
78  * @xmlonly
79  * <docref>See <autoref label="sec:sys_nbsend"/></docref>
80  * @endxmlonly
81  *
82  * @param[in] dest The capability to be invoked.
83  * @param[in] msgInfo The messageinfo structure for the IPC.
84  */
86 seL4_NBSend(seL4_CPtr dest, seL4_MessageInfo_t msgInfo);
89 /**
90  * @xmlonly <manual name="Reply Recv" label="sel4_mcs_replyrecv"/> @endxmlonly
91  * @brief Perform a reply followed by a receive in one system call
92  *
93  * @xmlonly
94  * <docref>See <autoref label="sec:sys_replyrecv"/></docref>
95  * @endxmlonly
96  *
97  * @param[in] src The capability to perform the receive on.
98  * @param[in] msgInfo The messageinfo structure for the IPC.
99  * @param[out] sender The address to write sender information to.
100  *               The sender information is the badge of the
101  *               endpoint capability that was invoked by the
102  *               sender, or the notification word of the
103  *               notification object that was signalled.
104  *               This parameter is ignored if `NULL`.
105  *
106  * @param[in] reply The capability to the reply object, which is first invoked and then used
107  *                  for the recv phase to store a new reply capability.
108  * @return A `seL4_MessageInfo_t` structure
109  * @xmlonly
110  * <docref>as described in <autoref label="sec:messageinfo"/></docref>
111  * @endxmlonly
112  */
113 LIBSEL4_INLINE_FUNC seL4_MessageInfo_t
114 seL4_ReplyRecv(seL4_CPtr src, seL4_MessageInfo_t msgInfo, seL4_Word *sender, seL4_CPtr reply);
116 /**
117  * @xmlonly <manual name="NBRecv" label="sel4_mcs_nbrecv"/> @endxmlonly
118  * @brief Receive a message from an endpoint but do not block
119  *        in the case that no messages are pending
120  *
121  * @xmlonly
122  * <docref>See <autoref label="sec:sys_nbrecv"/></docref>
123  * @endxmlonly
124  *
125  * @param[in] src The capability to receive on.
126  * @param[out] sender The address to write sender information to.
127  *                    The sender information is the badge of the
128  *                    endpoint capability that was invoked by the
129  *                    sender, or the notification word of the
130  *                    notification object that was signalled.
131  *                    This parameter is ignored if `NULL`.
132  * @param[in] reply The capability to the reply object to use on a call.
133  *
134  * @return A `seL4_MessageInfo_t` structure
135  * @xmlonly
136  * <docref>as described in <autoref label="sec:messageinfo"/></docref>
137  * @endxmlonly
138  */
139 LIBSEL4_INLINE_FUNC seL4_MessageInfo_t
140 seL4_NBRecv(seL4_CPtr src, seL4_Word *sender, seL4_CPtr reply);
142 /**
143  * @xmlonly <manual name="NBSend Recv" label="sel4_nbsendrecv"/> @endxmlonly
144  * @brief Non-blocking send on one capability, and a blocking recieve on another in a single
145  *        system call.
146  *
147  * @xmlonly
148  * <docref>See <autoref label="sec:sys_nbsendrecv"/></docref>
149  * @endxmlonly
150  *
151  * @param[in] dest The capability to be invoked.
152  * @param[in] msgInfo The messageinfo structure for the IPC.
153  * @param[out] sender The address to write sender information to.
154  *               The sender information is the badge of the
155  *               endpoint capability that was invoked by the
156  *               sender, or the notification word of the
157  *               notification object that was signalled.
158  *               This parameter is ignored if `NULL`.
159  * @param[in] src The capability to receive on.
160  * @param[in] reply The capability to the reply object, which is first invoked and then used
161  *                  for the recv phase to store a new reply capability.
162  * @return A `seL4_MessageInfo_t` structure
163  * @xmlonly
164  * as described in <autoref label="sec:messageinfo"/>
165  * @endxmlonly
166  */
167 LIBSEL4_INLINE_FUNC seL4_MessageInfo_t
168 seL4_NBSendRecv(seL4_CPtr dest, seL4_MessageInfo_t msgInfo, seL4_CPtr src, seL4_Word *sender, seL4_CPtr reply);
170 /**
171  * @xmlonly <manual name="NBSend Wait" label="sel4_nbsendwait"/> @endxmlonly
172  * @brief Non-blocking invoke of a capability and wait on another in one system call
173  *
174  * @xmlonly
175  * <docref>See <autoref label="sec:sys_nbsendwait"/></docref>
176  * @endxmlonly
177  *
178  * @param[in] dest The capability to be invoked.
179  * @param[in] msgInfo The messageinfo structure for the IPC.
180  * @param[out] sender The address to write sender information to.
181  *               The sender information is the badge of the
182  *               endpoint capability that was invoked by the
183  *               sender, or the notification word of the
184  *               notification object that was signalled.
185  *               This parameter is ignored if `NULL`.
186  * @param[in] src The capability to receive on.
187  * @return A `seL4_MessageInfo_t` structure
188  * @xmlonly
189  * as described in <autoref label="sec:messageinfo"/>
190  * @endxmlonly
191  */
192 LIBSEL4_INLINE_FUNC seL4_MessageInfo_t
193 seL4_NBSendWait(seL4_CPtr dest, seL4_MessageInfo_t msgInfo, seL4_CPtr src, seL4_Word *sender);
195 /**
196  * @xmlonly <manual name="Yield" label="sel4_mcs_yield"/> @endxmlonly
197  * @brief Yield the remaining timeslice. Periodic threads will not be scheduled again until their
198  *        next sporadic replenishment.
199  *
200  * @xmlonly
201  * <docref>See <autoref label="sec:sys_yield"/></docref>
202  * @endxmlonly
203  */
205 seL4_Yield(void);
207 /**
208  * @xmlonly <manual name="Wait" label="sel4_mcs_wait"/> @endxmlonly
209  * @brief Perform a wait on an endpoint or notification object
210  *
211  * Block on a notification or endpoint waiting for a message. No reply object is
212  * required for a Wait. Wait should not be paired with Call, as it does not provide
213  * a reply object. If Wait is paired with a Call the waiter will block after recieving
214  * the message.
215  *
216  * @xmlonly
217  * <docref>See the description of <nameref name="seL4_Wait"/> in <autoref label="sec:sys_wait"/>.</docref>
218  * @endxmlonly
219  *
220  * @param[in] src The capability to be invoked.
221  * @param[out] sender The address to write sender information to.
222  *               The sender information is the badge of the
223  *               endpoint capability that was invoked by the
224  *               sender, or the notification word of the
225  *               notification object that was signalled.
226  *               This parameter is ignored if `NULL`.
227  */
228 LIBSEL4_INLINE_FUNC seL4_MessageInfo_t
229 seL4_Wait(seL4_CPtr src, seL4_Word *sender);
231 /**
232  * @xmlonly <manual name="NBWait" label="sel4_nbwait"/> @endxmlonly
233  * @brief Perform a polling wait on an endpoint or notification object
234  *
235  * Poll a notification or endpoint waiting for a message. No reply object is
236  * required for a Wait. Wait should not be paired with Call.
237  *
238  * @xmlonly
239  * <docref>See the description of <nameref name="seL4_NBWait"/> in <autoref label="sec:sys_nbwait"/>.</docref>
240  * @endxmlonly
241  *
242  * @param[in] src The capability to be invoked.
243  * @param[out] sender The address to write sender information to.
244  *               The sender information is the badge of the
245  *               endpoint capability that was invoked by the
246  *               sender, or the notification word of the
247  *               notification object that was signalled.
248  *               This parameter is ignored if `NULL`.
249  */
250 LIBSEL4_INLINE_FUNC seL4_MessageInfo_t
251 seL4_NBWait(seL4_CPtr src, seL4_Word *sender);
253 /**
254  * @xmlonly <manual name="Poll" label="sel4_mcs_poll"/> @endxmlonly
255  * @brief Perform a non-blocking recv on a notification object
256  *
257  * This is not a proper system call known by the kernel. Rather, it is a
258  * convenience wrapper which calls seL4_NBWait().
259  * It is useful for doing a non-blocking wait on a notification.
260  *
261  * @xmlonly
262  * <docref>See the description of <nameref name="seL4_NBWait"/> in <autoref label="sec:sys_nbwait"/>.</docref>
263  * @endxmlonly
264  *
265  * @param[in] src The capability to be invoked.
266  * @param[out] sender The address to write sender information to.
267  *               The sender information is the badge of the
268  *               endpoint capability that was invoked by the
269  *               sender, or the notification word of the
270  *               notification object that was signalled.
271  *               This parameter is ignored if `NULL`.
272  *
273  * @return A `seL4_MessageInfo_t` structure
274  * @xmlonly
275  * <docref>as described in <autoref label="sec:messageinfo"/></docref>
276  * @endxmlonly
277  */
278 LIBSEL4_INLINE_FUNC seL4_MessageInfo_t
279 seL4_Poll(seL4_CPtr src, seL4_Word *sender);
281 /**
282  * @xmlonly <manual name="Signal" label="sel4_mcs_signal"/> @endxmlonly
283  * @brief Signal a notification
284  *
285  * This is not a proper system call known by the kernel. Rather, it is a
286  * convenience wrapper which calls seL4_Send().
287  * It is useful for signalling a notification.
288  *
289  * @xmlonly
290  * <docref>See the description of <nameref name="seL4_Send"/> in <autoref label="sec:sys_send"/>.</docref>
291  * @endxmlonly
292  *
293  * @param[in] dest The capability to be invoked.
294  */
296 seL4_Signal(seL4_CPtr dest);
298 /** @} */