1 /*
2  *
3  *  Authors:  Michael LeMay, <mdlemay@epoch.ncsc.mil>
4  *            George Coker, <gscoker@alpha.ncsc.mil>
5  *
6  *    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  *    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2,
8  *      as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9  */
11 #include <stdlib.h>
12 #include <errno.h>
13 #include <stdio.h>
14 #include <xenctrl.h>
15 #include <fcntl.h>
16 #include <sys/mman.h>
17 #include <sys/stat.h>
18 #include <string.h>
19 #include <unistd.h>
21 #define USE_MMAP
usage(int argCnt,const char * args[])23 static void usage (int argCnt, const char *args[])
24 {
25     fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <policy.file>\n", args[0]);
26     exit(1);
27 }
main(int argCnt,const char * args[])29 int main (int argCnt, const char *args[])
30 {
31     const char *polFName;
32     int polFd = 0;
33     void *polMem = NULL;
34     void *polMemCp = NULL;
35     struct stat info;
36     int ret;
37     xc_interface *xch = 0;
39     if (argCnt != 2)
40         usage(argCnt, args);
42     polFName = args[1];
43     polFd = open(polFName, O_RDONLY);
44     if ( polFd < 0 )
45     {
46         fprintf(stderr, "Error occurred opening policy file '%s': %s\n",
47                 polFName, strerror(errno));
48         ret = -1;
49         goto cleanup;
50     }
52     ret = stat(polFName, &info);
53     if ( ret < 0 )
54     {
55         fprintf(stderr, "Error occurred retrieving information about"
56                 "policy file '%s': %s\n", polFName, strerror(errno));
57         goto cleanup;
58     }
60     polMemCp = malloc(info.st_size);
62 #ifdef USE_MMAP
63     polMem = mmap(NULL, info.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, polFd, 0);
64     if ( polMem == MAP_FAILED )
65     {
66         fprintf(stderr, "Error occurred mapping policy file in memory: %s\n",
67                 strerror(errno));
68         ret = -1;
69         goto cleanup;
70     }
72     xch = xc_interface_open(0,0,0);
73     if ( !xch )
74     {
75         fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create interface to xenctrl: %s\n",
76                 strerror(errno));
77         ret = -1;
78         goto cleanup;
79     }
81     memcpy(polMemCp, polMem, info.st_size);
82 #else
83     ret = read(polFd, polMemCp, info.st_size);
84     if ( ret < 0 )
85     {
86         fprintf(stderr, "Unable to read new Flask policy file: %s\n",
87                 strerror(errno));
88         goto cleanup;
89     }
90     else
91     {
92         printf("Read %d bytes from policy file '%s'.\n", ret, polFName);
93     }
94 #endif
96     ret = xc_flask_load(xch, polMemCp, info.st_size);
97     if ( ret < 0 )
98     {
99         errno = -ret;
100         fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load new Flask policy: %s\n",
101                 strerror(errno));
102         ret = -1;
103         goto cleanup;
104     }
105     else
106     {
107         printf("Successfully loaded policy.\n");
108     }
110 done:
111     free(polMemCp);
112     if ( polMem )
113     {
114         ret = munmap(polMem, info.st_size);
115         if ( ret < 0 )
116             fprintf(stderr, "Unable to unmap policy memory: %s\n", strerror(errno));
117     }
118     if ( polFd >= 0 )
119         close(polFd);
120     if ( xch )
121         xc_interface_close(xch);
123     return ret;
125 cleanup:
126     goto done;
127 }