2 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 XenSource Ltd.
3 * Copyright (C) 2008      Citrix Ltd.
4 * Author Vincent Hanquez <vincent.hanquez@eu.citrix.com>
5 *
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
8 * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
9 * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
10 *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 *)
17type perms = Xsraw.perms
18type con = Xsraw.con
19type domid = int
21type xsh =
23	con: con;
24	debug: string list -> string;
25	directory: string -> string list;
26	read: string -> string;
27	readv: string -> string list -> string list;
28	write: string -> string -> unit;
29	writev: string -> (string * string) list -> unit;
30	mkdir: string -> unit;
31	rm: string -> unit;
32	getperms: string -> perms;
33	setperms: string -> perms -> unit;
34	setpermsv: string -> string list -> perms -> unit;
35	introduce: domid -> nativeint -> int -> unit;
36	release: domid -> unit;
37	resume: domid -> unit;
38	getdomainpath: domid -> string;
39	watch: string -> string -> unit;
40	unwatch: string -> string -> unit;
43let get_operations con = {
44	con = con;
45	debug = (fun commands -> Xsraw.debug commands con);
46	directory = (fun path -> Xsraw.directory 0 path con);
47	read = (fun path -> Xsraw.read 0 path con);
48	readv = (fun dir vec -> Xsraw.readv 0 dir vec con);
49	write = (fun path value -> Xsraw.write 0 path value con);
50	writev = (fun dir vec -> Xsraw.writev 0 dir vec con);
51	mkdir = (fun path -> Xsraw.mkdir 0 path con);
52	rm = (fun path -> Xsraw.rm 0 path con);
53	getperms = (fun path -> Xsraw.getperms 0 path con);
54	setperms = (fun path perms -> Xsraw.setperms 0 path perms con);
55	setpermsv = (fun dir vec perms -> Xsraw.setpermsv 0 dir vec perms con);
56	introduce = (fun id mfn port -> Xsraw.introduce id mfn port con);
57	release = (fun id -> Xsraw.release id con);
58	resume = (fun id -> Xsraw.resume id con);
59	getdomainpath = (fun id -> Xsraw.getdomainpath id con);
60	watch = (fun path data -> Xsraw.watch path data con);
61	unwatch = (fun path data -> Xsraw.unwatch path data con);
64let transaction xsh = Xst.transaction xsh.con
66let has_watchevents xsh = Xsraw.has_watchevents xsh.con
67let get_watchevent xsh = Xsraw.get_watchevent xsh.con
69let read_watchevent xsh = Xsraw.read_watchevent xsh.con
71let make fd = get_operations (Xsraw.open_fd fd)
72let get_fd xsh = Xenbus.Xb.get_fd xsh.con.Xsraw.xb
74exception Timeout
76(* Should never be thrown, indicates a bug in the read_watchevent_timetout function *)
77exception Timeout_with_nonempty_queue
79(* Just in case we screw up: poll the callback every couple of seconds rather
80   than wait for the whole timeout period *)
81let max_blocking_time = 5. (* seconds *)
83let read_watchevent_timeout xsh timeout callback =
84	let start_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in
85	let end_time = start_time +. timeout in
87	let left = ref timeout in
89	(* Returns true if a watch event in the queue satisfied us *)
90	let process_queued_events () =
91		let success = ref false in
92		while Xsraw.has_watchevents xsh.con && not(!success)
93		do
94			success := callback (Xsraw.get_watchevent xsh.con)
95		done;
96		!success in
97	(* Returns true if a watch event read from the socket satisfied us *)
98	let process_incoming_event () =
99		let fd = get_fd xsh in
100		let r, _, _ = Unix.select [ fd ] [] [] (min max_blocking_time !left) in
102		(* If data is available for reading then read it *)
103		if r = []
104		then false (* timeout, either a max_blocking_time or global *)
105		else callback (Xsraw.read_watchevent xsh.con) in
107	let success = ref false in
108	while !left > 0. && not(!success)
109	do
110		(* NB the 'callback' might call back into Xs functions
111		   and as a side-effect, watches might be queued. Hence
112		   we must process the queue on every loop iteration *)
114		(* First process all queued watch events *)
115		if not(!success)
116		then success := process_queued_events ();
117		(* Then block for one more watch event *)
118		if not(!success)
119		then success := process_incoming_event ();
120		(* Just in case our callback caused events to be queued
121		   and this is our last time round the loop: this prevents
122		   us throwing the Timeout_with_nonempty_queue spuriously *)
123		if not(!success)
124		then success := process_queued_events ();
126		(* Update the time left *)
127		let current_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in
128		left := end_time -. current_time
129	done;
130	if not(!success) then begin
131		(* Sanity check: it should be impossible for any
132		   events to be queued here *)
133		if Xsraw.has_watchevents xsh.con
134		then raise Timeout_with_nonempty_queue
135		else raise Timeout
136	end
139let monitor_paths xsh l time callback =
140	let unwatch () =
141		List.iter (fun (w,v) -> try xsh.unwatch w v with _ -> ()) l in
142	List.iter (fun (w,v) -> xsh.watch w v) l;
143	begin try
144		read_watchevent_timeout xsh time callback;
145	with
146		exn -> unwatch (); raise exn;
147	end;
148	unwatch ()
150let daemon_socket = Paths.xen_run_stored ^ "/socket"
152(** Throws this rather than a miscellaneous Unix.connect failed *)
153exception Failed_to_connect
155let daemon_open () =
156	try
157		let sockaddr = Unix.ADDR_UNIX(daemon_socket) in
158		let sock = Unix.socket Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
159		Unix.connect sock sockaddr;
160		Unix.set_close_on_exec sock;
161		make sock
162	with _ -> raise Failed_to_connect
164let domain_open () =
165	let path = try
166		let devpath = "/dev/xen/xenbus" in
167		Unix.access devpath [ Unix.F_OK ];
168		devpath
169	with Unix.Unix_error(_, _, _) ->
170		"/proc/xen/xenbus" in
172	let fd = Unix.openfile path [ Unix.O_RDWR ] 0o550 in
173	Unix.set_close_on_exec fd;
174	make fd
176let close xsh = Xsraw.close xsh.con