2 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 XenSource Ltd.
3 * Copyright (C) 2008      Citrix Ltd.
4 * Author Vincent Hanquez <vincent.hanquez@eu.citrix.com>
5 *
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
8 * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
9 * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
10 *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 *)
17type config =
19	domain_init: bool;
20	activate_access_log: bool;
21	daemonize: bool;
22	reraise_top_level: bool;
23	config_file: string option;
24	pidfile: string option; (* old xenstored compatibility *)
25	tracefile: string option; (* old xenstored compatibility *)
26	restart: bool;
27	disable_socket: bool;
28	use_select: bool;
31let do_argv =
32	let pidfile = ref "" and tracefile = ref "" (* old xenstored compatibility *)
33	and domain_init = ref true
34	and activate_access_log = ref true
35	and daemonize = ref true
36	and reraise_top_level = ref false
37	and config_file = ref ""
38	and restart = ref false
39	and disable_socket = ref false
40	and use_select = ref false in
42	let speclist =
43		[ ("--no-domain-init", Arg.Unit (fun () -> domain_init := false),
44		   "to state that xenstored should not initialise dom0");
45		  ("--config-file", Arg.Set_string config_file,
46		   "set an alternative location for the configuration file");
47		  ("--no-fork", Arg.Unit (fun () -> daemonize := false),
48		   "to request that the daemon does not fork");
49		  ("--reraise-top-level", Arg.Unit (fun () -> reraise_top_level := true),
50		   "reraise exceptions caught at the top level");
51		  ("--no-access-log", Arg.Unit (fun () -> activate_access_log := false),
52		  "do not create a xenstore-access.log file");
53		  ("--pid-file", Arg.Set_string pidfile, ""); (* for compatibility *)
54		  ("-T", Arg.Set_string tracefile, ""); (* for compatibility *)
55		  ("--restart", Arg.Set restart, "Read database on starting");
56		  ("--disable-socket", Arg.Unit (fun () -> disable_socket := true), "Disable socket");
57		  ("--use-select", Arg.Unit (fun () -> use_select := true), "Use select instead of poll"); (* for backward compatibility and testing *)
58		] in
59	let usage_msg = "usage : xenstored [--config-file <filename>] [--no-domain-init] [--help] [--no-fork] [--reraise-top-level] [--restart] [--disable-socket] [--use-select]" in
60	Arg.parse speclist (fun s -> ()) usage_msg;
61	{
62		domain_init = !domain_init;
63		activate_access_log = !activate_access_log;
64		daemonize = !daemonize;
65		reraise_top_level = !reraise_top_level;
66		config_file = if !config_file <> "" then Some !config_file else None;
67		pidfile = if !pidfile <> "" then Some !pidfile else None;
68		tracefile = if !tracefile <> "" then Some !tracefile else None;
69		restart = !restart;
70		disable_socket = !disable_socket;
71		use_select = !use_select;
72	}