2 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 XenSource Ltd.
3 * Copyright (C) 2008      Citrix Ltd.
4 * Author Vincent Hanquez <vincent.hanquez@eu.citrix.com>
5 *
6 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
8 * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
9 * exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
10 *
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 *)
17let error fmt = Logging.error "process" fmt
18let info fmt = Logging.info "process" fmt
19let debug fmt = Logging.debug "process" fmt
21open Printf
22open Stdext
24exception Transaction_again
25exception Transaction_nested
26exception Domain_not_match
27exception Invalid_Cmd_Args
29(* This controls the do_debug fn in this module, not the debug logging-function. *)
30let allow_debug = ref false
32let c_int_of_string s =
33	let v = ref 0 in
34	let is_digit c = c >= '0' && c <= '9' in
35	let len = String.length s in
36	let i = ref 0 in
37	while !i < len && not (is_digit s.[!i]) do incr i done;
38	while !i < len && is_digit s.[!i]
39	do
40		let x = (Char.code s.[!i]) - (Char.code '0') in
41		v := !v * 10 + x;
42		incr i
43	done;
44	!v
46(* when we don't want a limit, apply a max limit of 8 arguments.
47   no arguments take more than 3 currently, which is pointless to split
48   more than needed. *)
49let split limit c s =
50	let limit = match limit with None -> 8 | Some x -> x in
51	String.split ~limit c s
53let split_one_path data con =
54	let args = split (Some 2) '\000' data in
55	match args with
56	| path :: "" :: [] -> Store.Path.create path (Connection.get_path con)
57	| _                -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args
59let process_watch ops cons =
60	let do_op_watch op cons =
61		let recurse = match (fst op) with
62		| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Write    -> false
63		| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Mkdir    -> false
64		| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Rm       -> true
65		| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Setperms -> false
66		| _              -> raise (Failure "huh ?") in
67		Connections.fire_watches cons (snd op) recurse in
68	List.iter (fun op -> do_op_watch op cons) ops
70let create_implicit_path t perm path =
71	let dirname = Store.Path.get_parent path in
72	if not (Transaction.path_exists t dirname) then (
73		let rec check_path p =
74			match p with
75			| []      -> []
76			| h :: l  ->
77				if Transaction.path_exists t h then
78					check_path l
79				else
80					p in
81		let ret = check_path (List.tl (Store.Path.get_hierarchy dirname)) in
82		List.iter (fun s -> Transaction.mkdir ~with_watch:false t perm s) ret
83	)
85(* packets *)
86let do_debug con t domains cons data =
87	if not (Connection.is_dom0 con) && not !allow_debug
88	then None
89	else try match split None '\000' data with
90	| "print" :: msg :: _ ->
91		Logging.xb_op ~tid:0 ~ty:Xenbus.Xb.Op.Debug ~con:"=======>" msg;
92		None
93	| "quota" :: domid :: _ ->
94		let domid = int_of_string domid in
95		let quota = (Store.get_quota t.Transaction.store) in
96		Some (Quota.to_string quota domid ^ "\000")
97	| "watches" :: _ ->
98		let watches = Connections.debug cons in
99		Some (watches ^ "\000")
100	| "mfn" :: domid :: _ ->
101		let domid = int_of_string domid in
102		let con = Connections.find_domain cons domid in
103		may (fun dom -> Printf.sprintf "%nd\000" (Domain.get_mfn dom)) (Connection.get_domain con)
104	| _ -> None
105	with _ -> None
107let do_directory con t domains cons data =
108	let path = split_one_path data con in
109	let entries = Transaction.ls t (Connection.get_perm con) path in
110	if List.length entries > 0 then
111		(Utils.join_by_null entries) ^ "\000"
112	else
113		""
115let do_read con t domains cons data =
116	let path = split_one_path data con in
117	Transaction.read t (Connection.get_perm con) path
119let do_getperms con t domains cons data =
120	let path = split_one_path data con in
121	let perms = Transaction.getperms t (Connection.get_perm con) path in
122	Perms.Node.to_string perms ^ "\000"
124let do_getdomainpath con t domains cons data =
125	let domid =
126		match (split None '\000' data) with
127		| domid :: "" :: [] -> c_int_of_string domid
128		| _                 -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args
129		in
130	sprintf "/local/domain/%u\000" domid
132let do_write con t domains cons data =
133	let path, value =
134		match (split (Some 2) '\000' data) with
135		| path :: value :: [] -> Store.Path.create path (Connection.get_path con), value
136		| _                   -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args
137		in
138	create_implicit_path t (Connection.get_perm con) path;
139	Transaction.write t (Connection.get_perm con) path value
141let do_mkdir con t domains cons data =
142	let path = split_one_path data con in
143	create_implicit_path t (Connection.get_perm con) path;
144	try
145		Transaction.mkdir t (Connection.get_perm con) path
146	with
147		Define.Already_exist -> ()
149let do_rm con t domains cons data =
150	let path = split_one_path data con in
151	try
152		Transaction.rm t (Connection.get_perm con) path
153	with
154		Define.Doesnt_exist -> ()
156let do_setperms con t domains cons data =
157	let path, perms =
158		match (split (Some 2) '\000' data) with
159		| path :: perms :: _ ->
160			Store.Path.create path (Connection.get_path con),
161			(Perms.Node.of_string perms)
162		| _                   -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args
163		in
164	Transaction.setperms t (Connection.get_perm con) path perms
166let do_error con t domains cons data =
167	raise Define.Unknown_operation
169let do_isintroduced con t domains cons data =
170	let domid =
171		match (split None '\000' data) with
172		| domid :: _ -> int_of_string domid
173		| _          -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args
174		in
175	if domid = Define.domid_self || Domains.exist domains domid then "T\000" else "F\000"
177(* only in xen >= 4.2 *)
178let do_reset_watches con t domains cons data =
179  Connection.del_watches con;
180  Connection.del_transactions con
182(* only in >= xen3.3                                                                                    *)
183let do_set_target con t domains cons data =
184	if not (Connection.is_dom0 con)
185	then raise Define.Permission_denied;
186	match split None '\000' data with
187		| [ domid; target_domid; "" ] -> Connections.set_target cons (c_int_of_string domid) (c_int_of_string target_domid)
188		| _                           -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args
190(*------------- Generic handling of ty ------------------*)
191let send_response ty con t rid response =
192	match response with
193	| Packet.Ack f ->
194		Connection.send_ack con (Transaction.get_id t) rid ty;
195		(* Now do any necessary follow-up actions *)
196		f ()
197	| Packet.Reply ret ->
198		Connection.send_reply con (Transaction.get_id t) rid ty ret
199	| Packet.Error e ->
200		Connection.send_error con (Transaction.get_id t) rid e
202let reply_ack fct con t doms cons data =
203	fct con t doms cons data;
204	Packet.Ack (fun () ->
205		if Transaction.get_id t = Transaction.none then
206			process_watch (Transaction.get_paths t) cons
207	)
209let reply_data fct con t doms cons data =
210	let ret = fct con t doms cons data in
211	Packet.Reply ret
213let reply_data_or_ack fct con t doms cons data =
214	match fct con t doms cons data with
215		| Some ret -> Packet.Reply ret
216		| None -> Packet.Ack (fun () -> ())
218let reply_none fct con t doms cons data =
219	(* let the function reply *)
220	fct con t doms cons data
222(* Functions for 'simple' operations that cannot be part of a transaction *)
223let function_of_type_simple_op ty =
224	match ty with
225	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Debug
226	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Watch
227	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Unwatch
228	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Transaction_start
229	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Transaction_end
230	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Introduce
231	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Release
232	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Isintroduced
233	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Resume
234	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Set_target
235	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Reset_watches
236	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Invalid           -> error "called function_of_type_simple_op on operation %s" (Xenbus.Xb.Op.to_string ty);
237	                                    raise (Invalid_argument (Xenbus.Xb.Op.to_string ty))
238	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Directory         -> reply_data do_directory
239	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Read              -> reply_data do_read
240	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Getperms          -> reply_data do_getperms
241	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Getdomainpath     -> reply_data do_getdomainpath
242	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Write             -> reply_ack do_write
243	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Mkdir             -> reply_ack do_mkdir
244	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Rm                -> reply_ack do_rm
245	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Setperms          -> reply_ack do_setperms
246	| _                              -> reply_ack do_error
248let input_handle_error ~cons ~doms ~fct ~con ~t ~req =
249	let reply_error e =
250		Packet.Error e in
251	try
252		fct con t doms cons req.Packet.data
253	with
254	| Define.Invalid_path          -> reply_error "EINVAL"
255	| Define.Already_exist         -> reply_error "EEXIST"
256	| Define.Doesnt_exist          -> reply_error "ENOENT"
257	| Define.Lookup_Doesnt_exist s -> reply_error "ENOENT"
258	| Define.Permission_denied     -> reply_error "EACCES"
259	| Not_found                    -> reply_error "ENOENT"
260	| Invalid_Cmd_Args             -> reply_error "EINVAL"
261	| Invalid_argument i           -> reply_error "EINVAL"
262	| Transaction_again            -> reply_error "EAGAIN"
263	| Transaction_nested           -> reply_error "EBUSY"
264	| Domain_not_match             -> reply_error "EINVAL"
265	| Quota.Limit_reached          -> reply_error "EQUOTA"
266	| Quota.Data_too_big           -> reply_error "E2BIG"
267	| Quota.Transaction_opened     -> reply_error "EQUOTA"
268	| (Failure "int_of_string")    -> reply_error "EINVAL"
269	| Define.Unknown_operation     -> reply_error "ENOSYS"
271let write_access_log ~ty ~tid ~con ~data =
272	Logging.xb_op ~ty ~tid ~con data
274let write_answer_log ~ty ~tid ~con ~data =
275	Logging.xb_answer ~ty ~tid ~con data
277let write_response_log ~ty ~tid ~con ~response =
278	match response with
279	| Packet.Ack _   -> write_answer_log ~ty ~tid ~con ~data:""
280	| Packet.Reply x -> write_answer_log ~ty ~tid ~con ~data:x
281	| Packet.Error e -> write_answer_log ~ty:(Xenbus.Xb.Op.Error) ~tid ~con ~data:e
283let record_commit ~con ~tid ~before ~after =
284	let inc r = r := Int64.add 1L !r in
285	let finish_count = inc Transaction.counter; !Transaction.counter in
286	History.push {History.con=con; tid=tid; before=before; after=after; finish_count=finish_count}
288(* Replay a stored transaction against a fresh store, check the responses are
289   all equivalent: if so, commit the transaction. Otherwise send the abort to
290   the client. *)
291let transaction_replay c t doms cons =
292	match t.Transaction.ty with
293	| Transaction.No ->
294		error "attempted to replay a non-full transaction";
295		false
296	| Transaction.Full(id, oldstore, cstore) ->
297		let tid = Connection.start_transaction c cstore in
298		let replay_t = Transaction.make ~internal:true tid cstore in
299		let con = sprintf "r(%d):%s" id (Connection.get_domstr c) in
301		let perform_exn ~wlog txn (request, response) =
302			if wlog then write_access_log ~ty:request.Packet.ty ~tid ~con ~data:request.Packet.data;
303			let fct = function_of_type_simple_op request.Packet.ty in
304			let response' = input_handle_error ~cons ~doms ~fct ~con:c ~t:txn ~req:request in
305			if wlog then write_response_log ~ty:request.Packet.ty ~tid ~con ~response:response';
306			if not(Packet.response_equal response response') then raise Transaction_again
307		in
308		finally
309		(fun () ->
310			try
311				Logging.start_transaction ~con ~tid;
312				List.iter (perform_exn ~wlog:true replay_t) (Transaction.get_operations t); (* May throw EAGAIN *)
314				Logging.end_transaction ~con ~tid;
315				Transaction.commit ~con replay_t
316			with
317			| Transaction_again -> (
318				Transaction.failed_commits := Int64.add !Transaction.failed_commits 1L;
319				let victim_domstr = Connection.get_domstr c in
320				debug "Apportioning blame for EAGAIN in txn %d, domain=%s" id victim_domstr;
321				let punish guilty_con =
322					debug "Blaming domain %s for conflict with domain %s txn %d"
323						(Connection.get_domstr guilty_con) victim_domstr id;
324					Connection.decr_conflict_credit doms guilty_con
325				in
326				let judge_and_sentence hist_rec = (
327					let can_apply_on store = (
328						let store = Store.copy store in
329						let trial_t = Transaction.make ~internal:true Transaction.none store in
330						try List.iter (perform_exn ~wlog:false trial_t) (Transaction.get_operations t);
331							true
332						with Transaction_again -> false
333					) in
334					if can_apply_on hist_rec.History.before
335					&& not (can_apply_on hist_rec.History.after)
336					then (punish hist_rec.History.con; true)
337					else false
338				) in
339				let guilty_cons = History.filter_connections ~ignore:c ~since:t.Transaction.start_count ~f:judge_and_sentence in
340				if Hashtbl.length guilty_cons = 0 then (
341					debug "Found no culprit for conflict in %s: must be self or not in history." con;
342					Transaction.failed_commits_no_culprit := Int64.add !Transaction.failed_commits_no_culprit 1L
343				);
344				false
345			)
346			| e ->
347				info "transaction_replay %d caught: %s" tid (Printexc.to_string e);
348				false
349			)
350		(fun () ->
351			Connection.end_transaction c tid None
352		)
354let do_watch con t domains cons data =
355	let (node, token) =
356		match (split None '\000' data) with
357		| [node; token; ""]   -> node, token
358		| _                   -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args
359		in
360	let watch = Connections.add_watch cons con node token in
361	Packet.Ack (fun () -> Connection.fire_single_watch watch)
363let do_unwatch con t domains cons data =
364	let (node, token) =
365		match (split None '\000' data) with
366		| [node; token; ""]   -> node, token
367		| _                   -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args
368		in
369	Connections.del_watch cons con node token
371let do_transaction_start con t domains cons data =
372	if Transaction.get_id t <> Transaction.none then
373		raise Transaction_nested;
374	let store = Transaction.get_store t in
375	string_of_int (Connection.start_transaction con store) ^ "\000"
377let do_transaction_end con t domains cons data =
378	let commit =
379		match (split None '\000' data) with
380		| "T" :: _ -> true
381		| "F" :: _ -> false
382		| x :: _   -> raise (Invalid_argument x)
383		| _        -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args
384		in
385	let commit = commit && not (Transaction.is_read_only t) in
386	let success =
387		let commit = if commit then Some (fun con trans -> transaction_replay con trans domains cons) else None in
388		History.end_transaction t con (Transaction.get_id t) commit in
389	if not success then
390		raise Transaction_again;
391	if commit then begin
392		process_watch (List.rev (Transaction.get_paths t)) cons;
393		match t.Transaction.ty with
394		| Transaction.No ->
395			() (* no need to record anything *)
396		| Transaction.Full(id, oldstore, cstore) ->
397			record_commit ~con ~tid:id ~before:oldstore ~after:cstore
398	end
400let do_introduce con t domains cons data =
401	if not (Connection.is_dom0 con)
402	then raise Define.Permission_denied;
403	let (domid, mfn, port) =
404		match (split None '\000' data) with
405		| domid :: mfn :: port :: _ ->
406			int_of_string domid, Nativeint.of_string mfn, int_of_string port
407		| _                         -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args;
408		in
409	let dom =
410		if Domains.exist domains domid then
411			Domains.find domains domid
412		else try
413			let ndom = Xenctrl.with_intf (fun xc ->
414				Domains.create xc domains domid mfn port) in
415			Connections.add_domain cons ndom;
416			Connections.fire_spec_watches cons "@introduceDomain";
417			ndom
418		with _ -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args
419	in
420	if (Domain.get_remote_port dom) <> port || (Domain.get_mfn dom) <> mfn then
421		raise Domain_not_match
423let do_release con t domains cons data =
424	if not (Connection.is_dom0 con)
425	then raise Define.Permission_denied;
426	let domid =
427		match (split None '\000' data) with
428		| [domid;""] -> int_of_string domid
429		| _          -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args
430		in
431	let fire_spec_watches = Domains.exist domains domid in
432	Domains.del domains domid;
433	Connections.del_domain cons domid;
434	if fire_spec_watches
435	then Connections.fire_spec_watches cons "@releaseDomain"
436	else raise Invalid_Cmd_Args
438let do_resume con t domains cons data =
439	if not (Connection.is_dom0 con)
440	then raise Define.Permission_denied;
441	let domid =
442		match (split None '\000' data) with
443		| domid :: _ -> int_of_string domid
444		| _          -> raise Invalid_Cmd_Args
445		in
446	if Domains.exist domains domid
447	then Domains.resume domains domid
448	else raise Invalid_Cmd_Args
450let function_of_type ty =
451	match ty with
452	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Debug             -> reply_data_or_ack do_debug
453	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Watch             -> reply_none do_watch
454	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Unwatch           -> reply_ack do_unwatch
455	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Transaction_start -> reply_data do_transaction_start
456	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Transaction_end   -> reply_ack do_transaction_end
457	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Introduce         -> reply_ack do_introduce
458	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Release           -> reply_ack do_release
459	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Isintroduced      -> reply_data do_isintroduced
460	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Resume            -> reply_ack do_resume
461	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Set_target        -> reply_ack do_set_target
462	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Reset_watches     -> reply_ack do_reset_watches
463	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Invalid           -> reply_ack do_error
464	| _                              -> function_of_type_simple_op ty
467 * Determines which individual (non-transactional) operations we want to retain.
468 * We only want to retain operations that have side-effects in the store since
469 * these can be the cause of transactions failing.
470 *)
471let retain_op_in_history ty =
472	match ty with
473	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Write
474	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Mkdir
475	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Rm
476	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Setperms          -> true
477	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Debug
478	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Directory
479	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Read
480	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Getperms
481	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Watch
482	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Unwatch
483	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Transaction_start
484	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Transaction_end
485	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Introduce
486	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Release
487	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Getdomainpath
488	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Watchevent
489	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Error
490	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Isintroduced
491	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Resume
492	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Set_target
493	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Reset_watches
494	| Xenbus.Xb.Op.Invalid           -> false
497 * Nothrow guarantee.
498 *)
499let process_packet ~store ~cons ~doms ~con ~req =
500	let ty = req.Packet.ty in
501	let tid = req.Packet.tid in
502	let rid = req.Packet.rid in
503	try
504		let fct = function_of_type ty in
505		let t =
506			if tid = Transaction.none then
507				Transaction.make tid store
508			else
509				Connection.get_transaction con tid
510			in
512		let execute () = input_handle_error ~cons ~doms ~fct ~con ~t ~req in
514		let response =
515			(* Note that transactions are recorded in history separately. *)
516			if tid = Transaction.none && retain_op_in_history ty then begin
517				let before = Store.copy store in
518				let response = execute () in
519				let after = Store.copy store in
520				record_commit ~con ~tid ~before ~after;
521				response
522			end else execute ()
523		in
525		let response = try
526			if tid <> Transaction.none then
527				(* Remember the request and response for this operation in case we need to replay the transaction *)
528				Transaction.add_operation ~perm:(Connection.get_perm con) t req response;
529			response
530		with Quota.Limit_reached ->
531			Packet.Error "EQUOTA"
532		in
534		(* Put the response on the wire *)
535		send_response ty con t rid response
536	with exn ->
537		error "process packet: %s" (Printexc.to_string exn);
538		Connection.send_error con tid rid "EIO"
540let do_input store cons doms con =
541	let newpacket =
542		try
543			Connection.do_input con
544		with Xenbus.Xb.Reconnect ->
545			info "%s requests a reconnect" (Connection.get_domstr con);
546			Connection.reconnect con;
547			info "%s reconnection complete" (Connection.get_domstr con);
548			false
549		| Failure exp ->
550			error "caught exception %s" exp;
551			error "got a bad client %s" (sprintf "%-8s" (Connection.get_domstr con));
552			Connection.mark_as_bad con;
553			false
554	in
556	if newpacket then (
557		let packet = Connection.pop_in con in
558		let tid, rid, ty, data = Xenbus.Xb.Packet.unpack packet in
559		let req = {Packet.tid=tid; Packet.rid=rid; Packet.ty=ty; Packet.data=data} in
561		(* As we don't log IO, do not call an unnecessary sanitize_data
562		   info "[%s] -> [%d] %s \"%s\""
563		         (Connection.get_domstr con) tid
564		         (Xenbus.Xb.Op.to_string ty) (sanitize_data data); *)
565		process_packet ~store ~cons ~doms ~con ~req;
566		write_access_log ~ty ~tid ~con:(Connection.get_domstr con) ~data;
567		Connection.incr_ops con;
568	)
570let do_output store cons doms con =
571	if Connection.has_output con then (
572		if Connection.has_new_output con then (
573			let packet = Connection.peek_output con in
574			let tid, rid, ty, data = Xenbus.Xb.Packet.unpack packet in
575			(* As we don't log IO, do not call an unnecessary sanitize_data
576			   info "[%s] <- %s \"%s\""
577			         (Connection.get_domstr con)
578			         (Xenbus.Xb.Op.to_string ty) (sanitize_data data);*)
579			write_answer_log ~ty ~tid ~con:(Connection.get_domstr con) ~data;
580		);
581		try
582			ignore (Connection.do_output con)
583		with Xenbus.Xb.Reconnect ->
584			info "%s requests a reconnect" (Connection.get_domstr con);
585			Connection.reconnect con;
586			info "%s reconnection complete" (Connection.get_domstr con)
587	)